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Installed Fossapup64, getting error on boot
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2022 4:46 pm
by devfishe
Hi all,
I just installed puppy linux yesterday. It has been going relatively well, except whenever I turn on my computer I get this error message during boot.
The first boot was fine, and I rebooted the system several times without saving the session, and it worked fine. But once I did my first session save, this message popped up. Everything seems ok, except sometimes the laptop trackpad doesnt work (this happened twice, rebooting fixed both times).
I've never attached an image on this forum before so hopefully its working haha. Thanks!
Re: Installed Fossapup64, getting error on boot
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2022 9:36 pm
by bigpup
The stuff at the beginning is showing results of the check of the file system (ext4 format) of sda2 partition Fossapup64 9.5 is installed on.
It is reporting errors it found and tried to correct.
You should not be getting any of those errors if the ext 4 format is good.
I would reformat the sda2 partition.
Do a clean fresh install of Fossapup64.
You will have to do this booted using some other installed operating system that is not on sda2 partition.
If possible us Gparted program to do format, running in Puppy Linux. (Booting a Puppy version from a CD/DVD or USB drive)
I would reformat the sda2 partition.
After formatting,
In Gparted Right click on partition and select check.
This will make sure it formatted OK if no errors are found.
This will delete everything on partition.
Do a completely new frugal install of Fossapup64.
If partition is correctly setup and install is good.
The first boot info you should see is Fossapup64 9.5 and the loading info for the different SFS files.
Re: Installed Fossapup64, getting error on boot
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2022 10:40 pm
by devfishe
Thanks for your response. I reformatted my ext4 partition and fat32 partition using Gparted on a fossapup USB. I installed a fresh fossapup on the ext4 partition and boot on the fat32. I think I did a solid job following the install instructions. The first boot went well. I made some changes, and saved my session. I booted the computer again. Same error. I think something is going on when I save my session... During the first session save I do not encrypt, do not create a swap file, and save using the recommended settings.
Any idea what could be wrong? thanks!
Re: Installed Fossapup64, getting error on boot
Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 5:01 am
by devfishe
I ended up just installing slackopup instead. Works flawlessly so far.
Re: Installed Fossapup64, getting error on boot
Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 11:57 am
by bigpup
This is not a normal issue with Fossapup64 9.5
Many people on this forum are using it, with no problems making and using a save.
I have installed it many times, on different drives and computers, and had no issue making and using a save.
If you want to try and figure out what exactly is causing your problem.
Give complete name of the Fossapu64 ISO you used?
Give some specific details on how you are doing the install?
Frugal install?
Using a specific installer program?
What drive installing on?
Internal, external, type of drive?
Computer specs may be a clue.