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fossapup64 9.5 with save file does not change background (solved)

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2022 10:04 am
by SteveSi

I am booting to grubfm\agFM directly from the ISO file on an Easy2Boot USB multiboot and using psavemark=1 in the kernel parameters.
On shutdown I made a save file and a small swap file on the NTFS partition of the USB drive.
On reboots, any desktop icon changes I made previously are remembered and any files added are still there.
So Save seems to be working.
However, if I change the desktop background (or clear it) and reboot, my new background is displayed on the Desktop for a brief split-second and then it is redisplayed with the default fossa-dusk.jpg backdrop image.
Is there a way to permanently change the background in this mode?

P.S. slacko64-7.0 works. Background is saved and reloaded on reboot.

Re: fossapup64 9.5 with save file does not change background

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2022 11:51 am
by bigpup

It should be working.

Are you making the change by using Menu -> Desktop -> JWMdesk -> Background?

In the background program window, are you selecting a listed item, selecting apply, and then selecting close?
Back at the JWMdesk window selecting apply?

Are you selecting an image you added to the background folder(directory) or only ones originally listed?

Re: fossapup64 9.5 with save file does not change background

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2022 3:30 pm
by SteveSi

ah - that way works!

but I tried selecting the jpg file by right-click and set-background, and also
right-click on top right 'lock' icon on Desktop - Backdrop and drag-and-drop jpg onto that.
neither of these worked after reboot.

Re: fossapup64 9.5 with save file does not change background (solved)

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2022 6:44 pm
by bigpup

You may have found a bug or the fact that there are too many ways to do this.

JWMdesk -> Background seems to have save change and reboot control.