Afternoon, kids.
Uncle Mike's got himself stumped on this one. I'm probably going about it all wrong, but reading through various file-system 'man' pages hasn't produced a usable answer.....and I suspect this is really basic stuff.
Say I have a directory, with three files already in it; "file1", "file2", and "file3". I want to ensure that the next few files, when saved or written to this directory, are auto-numbered "file4", "file5", "file6".....and so on & so forth.
Question:- How do we arrange for this when scripting? I know I've come across summat about this a long while ago, but I simply cannot remember how it's done. I don't mind admitting, even I'm at 'Beginner' status when it comes to some things!
Can some kind soul put me out of my misery and remind me how it's done, please? Cheers, all!