Remote Desktop for Puppy?

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Remote Desktop for Puppy?

Post by Grogster »

Hi all. :)

I've had a bit of a look around here, but not finding what I want.
I need a remote-desktop app for Puppy.

Most of my Puppy's are Bionic-64, but a couple are older Slacko-64's.
Would be happy to upgrade the Slacko's to Bionic's, if Bionic can run a RD.

Any suggestions?

I've just been looking at moving my Puppy SAMBA servers to OMV6, and although OMV6 DOES have a cute web-based UI, it is SOOOOOO complicated. :cry:
Puppy is so incredibly easy to get going as a NAS using Simple Samba Management, and a couple of console commands to set a SMB password and Puppy root PW, that I think I will revert back to Puppy.
The only problem I have, is that Puppy has no web-based UI, or any kind of remote-desktop app built in - as far as I know. Newer releases might? (hope-hope)

Any help or assistance would be much appreciated. I am still a newbie at the console, so please be gentle, if there is a console-based way of doing this! ;)

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Re: Remote Desktop for Puppy?

Post by spiritwild »

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Re: Remote Desktop for Puppy?

Post by wiak »

I use tigervnc (server and viewer sometimes) within my LAN, that, and sometimes along with commandline sshd and clients - basically just to get a remote view of other machine(s) so I can control them from other machines.

Forum member rufwoof has posted several threads about similar (and more complex) configurations, but, yes, the threads tend to be commandline-oriented and not for novice users really.

As for the likes of AnyDesk and Teamviewer and so on, watch for spammers! Nothing wrong with such software as long as you only control it yourself it seems:
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Re: Remote Desktop for Puppy?

Post by mikewalsh »


Hallo.......and welcome back!

Mm. You're probably aware that we used to have WINE-based packages of TeamViewer - which worked fine! - but ever since TV moved to Qt5 the thing has been an absolute PITA, and won't produce its GUI. At least, I can't get it to function, so I gave up on it.

The general recommendation these days is to use AnyDesk. It's pretty tiny, and seems to work OK once you've installed a few extra libs that it insists upon.

I have a 'portable', self-contained build of this, which has the extra dependencies already there. You could always try it if you want; you can find the thread & download link/use instructions here:-

Entirely up to you, of course. The other alternatives are various VNCs, about which there are several threads on the forum.....but I've never used these, so can't comment.

Mike. ;)

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Re: Remote Desktop for Puppy?

Post by rockedge »

I have success using pUTTY to control a remote machine and use X11 forwarding to allow GUI programs from the target remote machine on the desktop I'm using.

Also what about the built in SSH client already in Bionic64? Enable the Forward X11 option.

The remote machine must be running a SSH server (sshd).

These remote apps then run on the local machine seamlessly. I have also been able to launch the entire remote machine's desktop on the local machine as a test.

There is a PET packages for Bionic64 here : ...

Might be something interesting.

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Re: Remote Desktop for Puppy?

Post by wizard »


If you want to experiment a little download either Friendly Fossa64 or Friendly Bionic32. Both have VNC (client & server) and Anydesk already installed. I prefer VNC for controlling my file servers on the LAN and Anydesk for internet remote.


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Re: Remote Desktop for Puppy?

Post by user1111 »

What's backseatdriver like for remoting?

With tigervnc a trick is to set a low local screen resolution, running
... and seeing 800x400 or suchlike available and
xrandr -s 800x400
to set the laptop to that, before vncing into the server, that's maybe running 1440x900, and you get a panning effect, where mousing to the screen edge pans the visible window around/within the larger 1440x900 server screen area, whilst that smaller visible area takes much less bandwidth to convey than visualising the entire 1440x900 screen.

When panning like that, alt + left mouse press/drag to shift a window is a useful trick, rather than having to pan up to see a window title bar to press/drag that.

That smaller visible area and panning considerably reduces the amount of bandwidth used, so is good for when out-and-about and vnc'ing back to home. Open a browser, play a youtube and ctrl - ... zoom out that youtube and maybe 500KB/sec of bandwidth, 4Mbits/sec without any compression and using 'raw', so its responsive/quick. Slower but even less data/bandwidth if you activate compression.

At home and on the same LAN and tigervnc works much better/quicker for me that x11vnc or X forwarding.

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Re: Remote Desktop for Puppy?

Post by p310don »


I use it all the time to do work from home. It beats Teamviewer and Anydesk for speed, plus has remote networking advantages. I falls over in the sense it doesn't have an App for use from a phone.

@Grogster are you working across a home network, or across the internet remotely?

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Re: Remote Desktop for Puppy?

Post by mikewalsh »

@rufwoof / @p310don :-

The stupid thing is, although I did a bit of chat & file-transfer stuff during the development phase - with CatDude mostly, and once or twice with Grant - I've hardly ever used it since!

I was really taken with the concept, though.......and went out of my way to build those Rox-apps, and get them just right; pretty much the first 'portable' apps I put together. Tuxtoo (Stuart Compton, who engineered the Well-minded Puppy search engine that did service for a few years) & I spent several nights playing around with it. Certain bits of it seem less tempremental than others, though perhaps that's just me..!

The packages are still available on the Drive:- ... sp=sharing

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Re: Remote Desktop for Puppy?

Post by Grogster »


Lots of replies! :thumbup2:

I will read through them all, and post back, but thanks for all the feedback and suggestions!

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Re: Remote Desktop for Puppy?

Post by bigpup »

Maybe one of you needs to make a how to for doing this. :idea:

Would be good to have this info in the How To -> Network/Server

Maybe a good general How to for using these different programs.

I may turn this topic into one, but I use this stuff very little and can only offer what you provide for info.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
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Re: Remote Desktop for Puppy?

Post by Grogster »

Hi all.

Very useful posts and links, thank you very much.
I think I will play about with AnyDesk first, as there is a portable package for it - thanks to spiritwild and mikewalsh for that suggestion. :thumbup2:

I have had a look at all the links, and I rather am drawn to the idea of Friendly Fossa64 or Friendly Bionic32 as suggested/linked to by wizard.
I think I will HAVE to try them out, just to see what they are like.
Anything that has the likes of VNC and/or AnyDesk already in there, is a definite plus.
So long as Samba Simple Management is also in those, but I guess I will find out if I try them. ;)

@ p310don - LAN only. Just allows me to administer the Puppy servers, WITHOUT having to hook up a mouse, KB and screen as I have to at the moment. Not interested in being able to access them over the WAN, and, in fact, all the Puppy boxes at the moment have static IP addresses, and can't see the WAN or the internet at all. That's the way I like it and want it. For now, anyway. :P

Thanks to all who replied with suggestions and links.
I never thought I would get so many replies.
I figured this is something perhaps a bit abstract for Puppy, and no-one else would want to do it, so thought I might only get one or two replies. :lol:

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Re: Remote Desktop for Puppy?

Post by Grogster »

@ wizard - can't burn the ISO image. See your thread links, I have posted there. I have posted on your thread about this to keep everything in the correct place.

@ mikewalsh - AnyDesk portable won't run for me on Bionic64. The folder is there, the icons are there, but clicking on the red icon does nothing. I have posted on your thread about this to keep everything in the correct place.


Re: Remote Desktop for Puppy?

Post by user1111 »

p310don wrote: Fri Jun 03, 2022 11:12 pm


I use it all the time to do work from home. It beats Teamviewer and Anydesk for speed, plus has remote networking advantages. I falls over in the sense it doesn't have an App for use from a phone.

@Grogster are you working across a home network, or across the internet remotely?

BackSeatDriver is in Fatdog by default and trying it out and it worked OK, but I vnc'd into my server (Student) in order to start it. How do you fire it up as a remote desktop type tool? Running bsdriver --help was of little help i.e. no cli options that might be initiated via ssh or a ftp flag file to trigger the 'student' (target system you want to remotely control). Having to vnc or ssh -X into the student system largely defeats its purpose as a remote desktop tool leaving it more sitting as a actual two person tool.

Nice how it uses a tun/vpn type setup, mostly using pre-existing tools so I guess could easily be refined/adapted, but I haven't even looked at the code/script yet.

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Re: Remote Desktop for Puppy?

Post by p310don »

@Grogster if you're only using it across your own LAN, most of the suggestions here are overkill.

The easiest way to control remote computers on your LAN is via VNC.

x11vnc is the host server. Make sure it is running on the machine you want to control and then use a VNC viewer like TigerVNC to control it.


Re: Remote Desktop for Puppy?

Post by user1111 »

p310don wrote: Sat Jun 04, 2022 12:36 pm

@Grogster if you're only using it across your own LAN, most of the suggestions here are overkill.

The easiest way to control remote computers on your LAN is via VNC.

x11vnc is the host server. Make sure it is running on the machine you want to control and then use a VNC viewer like TigerVNC to control it.

vncserver is much better IME than x11vnc, at least as far as local lan usage is concerned.


X forwarding through ssh tunnel

Post by user1111 »

I have a old tower PC as a server, local LAN IP
On that PC turned the firewall off. None of this is good practice security wise but just for testing purposes ...

/etc/ssh/sshd_config file edited lines to uncomment/include ...

PermitRootLogin yes
StrictModes no
PasswordAuthentication yes
PermitEmptyPasswords no
X11Forwarding yes

and sshd (re)started

Logged into router and set ssh port (22) forwarded to (my server)
also noted the external IP ( (made up number here))

On my laptop I then set up a two hop port forward ...

ssh -f -N -L 55555: -2

The 55555 port can be any number you like, ideally above 10000

More usually you'd use a direct single hop link, I used two just to try 'remote' distance out i.e. in the above the routing goes from my London IP (laptop) to Germany (hashbang ssh server) and back to London again (PC/server). For the direct single hop the format is ...

ssh -f -N -L 55555:localhost:22

With that set, local (laptop) port 55555 is directed to the servers IP ( external IP, internal IP)

So we can now run Xforwarding, such as on the laptop ...

ssh -p 55555 -Y localhost galculator

and the servers galculator is run, where the display appears on our local (laptop) screen. The -Y switch tells the server to permit Xforwarding. Where that data flows from the server (PC on the other side of the room) to Germany (hashbang server), and back to my laptop.

Or with google chrome installed on the server

ssh -p 55555 -Y localhost /opt/google/chrome/chrome --no-sandbox

and similarly a browser window opens on my laptop (local) device.

Or libreoffice ... or whatever program you want to run.

Takes a minute or two to settle (laggy) but then runs OK. In the case of a browser given that every keystroke in the url bar initiates a communication to google that is very laggy, but once you're on a web site ( for instance) the response times are pretty good. Playing a youtube is OK'ish not really a comfortable watch and we've no sound forwarded here either, but usable.

When done, kill the ssh forward process, reinstate your firewall if you like to have that running, and log back into the router and disable/delete the port 22 forwarding, unless you'd rather leave that available for the next time.

You might add
Compression yes
(or delayed instead of yes) to /etc/ssh/sshd_config, IIRC the default is yes anyway, but the default for ssh (client) is no compression, you have to add the -C switch to your ssh command to activate compression of data flowing through the ssh tunnel. Depending upon what you're running compression may help, may slow things down, a case of try and see.

ssh -p 55555 -C -Y localhost galculator

Alternative to specifying a program you can run just

ssh -p 55555 -C -Y localhost

which connects you to the remote system, cli, from where you can run whatever program you like and see the screen for that appear on your local client (laptop) screen.

# mtpaint

for instance.

For local use, server and laptop in the same room/house, the likes of tigervnc is better than X forwarding IME. run vncserver on the server, vncviewer on the client.

Oh, BTW IIRC rox doesn't work/work-well through Xforwarding. Easy answer is to sshfs. On your laptop ...

mkdir /mnt/server
mount /mnt/server

and use your local (laptop) rox to open /mnt/server (or wherever you might mount the (or whatever IP) remote boxes /somefolder (or whatever remote folder)


Re: Remote Desktop for Puppy?

Post by user1111 »

It's worthwhlle learning about ssh IMO, very much a core element of nix/bsd. OpenBSD for instance is a core OS system, kernel and (userland/cli) commands/X all wrapped up into a single entity, and that can be all you need. Boot the OS, start X, and ssh log in or mount server files/folders or use ssh with X forwarding to run remote/server gui programs displayed to your local X display. No need to install anything else, and very secure. All the risks are based on the server. The more commonly preferred OpenBSD desktop (cwm window manager) is just a blank page, with no tray or window decorations, as one program might be served from one server, and another program served from another server, you just load up the windows you require at the time.

Puppy is very lightweight, packs many programs into a relatively small compressed filesystem (squashed filesystem/SFS), but in other respects its massively bloated. A can of worms with many individuals each running their own different versions of the same programs and/or implementing things in different ways. Linux distros use different versions of kernels combined with different sources of programs configured/managed in different ways. Configuring is similar, but different. Layer different versions of programs on top of that and ... it all becomes quite messy. Search for a way to do something and you might find 101 different choices/methods and have to dig deep until you find the one that matches your needs/circumstances. Leading to the likes of systemD and pulseaudio :twisted: Complex systems to try and standardise a self imposed complex array of differences.

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Re: Remote Desktop for Puppy?

Post by wizard »


Confirmed rufus v3.18 fails. Download v3.17 portable from here and it will work.

So long as Samba Simple Management is also in those

It is, and I agree that our devs have made it pretty easy to set up a simple file server.


Last edited by wizard on Sun Jun 05, 2022 10:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Remote Desktop for Puppy?

Post by wizard »


My file servers are set up with static IP addresses which lets me use a small bash script and a icon in a folder to start the VNC session for each server. So its, click the icon, enter the password and it opens.

Friendly-Fossa64 and Friendly-Bionic32 both use xtightvncviewer, the attached script should be edited to use your server IP address or could be changed to use a different VNC viewer.

remove .gz before using
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Re: Remote Desktop for Puppy?

Post by Clarity »

Some of you will be angered at this post, but 'sobeit'.

VNC and similars are NOT Remote Desktop by definition (circa 1991). They are Remote Displays...NOT Remote Desktops.

A 'true' Remote Desktop is a connection to a remote machine and having the local ability to mimic the operations of the hardware of the remote machine on the local PC. Thus, for anyone "willing" to understand this statement, for the local PC user, it means a Multimedia experience duplicated at the local PC.

Remote Displays ONLY forward the visual display and ignore all other hardware transmissions in a streams to the local PC.

If you want a TRUE Remote Desktop the only low-impact, low-resource application that exist in the Linux community is the one used for years in Ubuntu where a true multimedia experience can be achieved with a small footprint-impact on the local PC; namely XRDP.

I believe @jamesbond has it implemented in FATDOG. But either it is not understood, or is missed such that it has not been recognized for its value.

If you want a Remote Desktop that is done with both little local PC resource demand AND is managed within an encrypted-compressed protocol between Streamer+Receiver, you might consider the @fatdog solution.

In doing so, the same client that would be used to Remote Desktop to a Microsoft/Apple PC will ALSO WORK for connection to a Linux (Ubuntu) PC...even a PUP. Thus, this means the same Remote Desktop client in a PUP/DOG is used to gain a Remote Desktop 'everywhere' the RDP protocol is sent. Further Windows/Apples do NOT need to install a client as the client is already built-in to their OS. Thus family members, which might be using Wins/MACs can connect for a Linux desktop without ever needing to setup or install anything to see and use a Linux desktop within the home.

Other solutions are proprietary while XRDP is open source with worldwide support.

Hope this info is both welcomed and understood. Enjoy! :!:

P.S. If I can offer a suggestion, test FATDOG and implement its XRDP as they have it working. Ask questions, there, if need. THEN with the simple understanding you would gain in FATDOG testing, replicate the package setup and use in PUPs. Just an idea for those who will find favor in having a true multimedia desktop from a connection to a remote Linux PC via an install that might be simple.

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Re: Remote Desktop for Puppy?

Post by Grogster »

I've setup a copy of Friendly Bionic32, and I'm loving this build! :thumbup:

AnyDesk runs easily on this machine, and on my Windoze machine, but the two won't connect.
I have the same issue with VNC. Setup an account with VNC, but the client won't talk to the server on the Puppy box, and I know exactly why that will be.

Both AnyDesk and VNC seem to want to use their own servers as go-betweens(just like TeamViewer does, I guess), and that means I have to give the Puppy boxes access to the Internet, which I don't want to do. The Puppy boxes are all on static IP addresses, with no gateway IP or DNS settings - they can ONLY talk to the LAN. Access in any way to the WAN is blocked.

Is there a way to have a remote-desktop that just works on the LAN and does not rely on a 3rd party web-based(and therefore needs Internet access) handler?

All I am EVER going to want to do, is admin these Puppy boxes here at home, and a backup out in the shed - in case of fire in the house or some other horror which destroys the server in the house. I basically need something that will work on the LAN and not require or rely on a go-between Internet-based service to make it work.

VNC insisted I sign-up with an account, it would not run the Windoze client without logging on, and you have to have an account for that.
I get the feeling, that VNC pushing me into the cloud-based way of doing things, is perhaps where I tripped up?
Perhaps there is a standalone VNC that does not require you to log into an account that will work on Windoze and just talk to the LAN?
I will have a bit more of an in-depth hunt around on the VNC website, but if anyone know for sure, please let me know.
Based on wizard's post above, although he is also using static IP's, perhaps he has allowed access to the net on those boxes?

In Menu\Network\VNC Server - select "Just this one time" and OK as I am just playing around, a window opens up asking for a password, which I assume will be the password for the client on the Windoze machine to talk to this one, enter that, click on OK, but then nothing happens. No window to show anything, no message to confirm the server is running. Is it? Click on PROCESSES icon in the top bar on the desktop, but I can't see anything in there to confirm it is running or not. Looking for VNC, or x11vnc, which is what was in the title-bar when I opened VNC server from the menus.

But I do love Friendly Bionic32 - nice one, wizard! :thumbup2:
I will try x64 version on some other hardware soon-ish, but I am using an old computer for these tests, just to see if I can get RD working.

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Re: Remote Desktop for Puppy?

Post by Grogster »

p310don wrote: Sat Jun 04, 2022 12:36 pm

@Grogster if you're only using it across your own LAN, most of the suggestions here are overkill.

The easiest way to control remote computers on your LAN is via VNC.

x11vnc is the host server. Make sure it is running on the machine you want to control and then use a VNC viewer like TigerVNC to control it.

This sounds like the path I should be following.
I will look for TigerVNC, but I would still love to know how I can confirm that x11vnc server is actually running.
Happy enough to copy/paste into the console if there is a console command I can run to check or confirm this.

OK, have downloaded TigerVNC for Windoze, run that, enter IP address of the Puppy box, connection is "actively refused"
I have attached an image.
I'm thinking that x11vnc server is not actually running on the Puppy box, so I need a way to confirm this if anyone knows how.

TigerVNC.jpg (19.65 KiB) Viewed 3721 times

Re: Remote Desktop for Puppy?

Post by user1111 »

x11vnc is a run once tool, has to be configured to --repeat i.e. after a single connection or connection attempt the server side drops.

Easier to install tigervnc and on the server run vncserver and on the client run vncviewer. vncserver automatically 'repeats', and will ask you for a password the first time its run to use to connect, has to be 6 characters or more such as 111111.

If the firewall is up then that likely will block connections, easiest choice for testing is to turn the firewall off, you're likely already behind a main router firewall anyway, and also likely don't have ports forwarded anyway in the router, so external access is most unlikely.

Play around with the options, for me setting compression to 'raw' and ticking the custom compression level and setting that to 0 (fast), and setting jpeg compression to level 6 ... is a good trade off for speed and local LAN bandwidth (youtubes for instance play well and general browser page scrolling is quick).

No sound will be forwarded, you have to do that separately. I used sndiod for that which works very well for me, but requires a Puppy version of sndiod to be available or compiled. Others are using trx (but again has to be installed/used in a similar manner).

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Re: Remote Desktop for Puppy?

Post by mikewalsh »

@Clarity :-

Hmm... Are you sure about that? Looks like in your enthusiasm to post about this, you've got a couple of things a bit "muddled".

For one thing, I rather suspect you'll find that jamesbond is using other stuff in combination with XRDP. The latter is still only a "remote desktop protocol", after all. I very much doubt it will be XRDP on its own.....not if FatDog can do what you claim it's doing.

Remote Displays ONLY forward the visual display and ignore all other hardware transmissions in a streams to the local PC.

Um.....huh?? :?

Why would you want to have direct transmission of hardware controls from your machine to the remote one? No makee much sense.... I'm willing to acknowledge that jamesbond may well have got some set-up working where this IS possible (I don't use FatDog; never HAVE been able to get used to it!), but that's not what "remote desktop control" is all about:-

(Huh. Strange that a team who specialise in remote connections don't use "secure" protocols for their own website... :roll:)

As I understand it, your machine forwards key presses/mouse actions to the remote machine's desktop. This then 'operates' the controls on the remote machine, and it's these that interact with the remote machine's apps/OS/hardware to make it do what you want it to.

If you click on a drive to 'unmount it' on the remote machine, you're not telling it to do so directly. You're sending a signal which is interpreted by the client software/server/whatever ON that machine.....and this is then translated by the remote machine into actions that you can see & comprehend in the remote viewer on your own machine.

I'm willing to concede I may be wrong. But I don't think I'm so far out... Present-day RDP protocols are predicated on the assumption that ALL modern machines will have a graphical DE of some kind, from which point the rest of the machine can be controlled.


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Re: Remote Desktop for Puppy?

Post by wizard »


VNC insisted I sign-up with an account, it would not run the Windoze client without logging on, and you have to have an account for that.

Now see, you didn't tell us you wanted to mix things up with MS Windows :lol: :lol:

If you are using one of the Friendly's you set up one computer as server and then use the viewer on the clients. There's never any signup to anything and no authentication to any third party server, straight client to server.

One important point with either VNC or Anydesk, your servers firewall MUST BE OFF.

Try this for a VNC test using Friendly-Bionic32:

Both client & server must be on the same IP subnet (same router)
Firewalls off
1. setup one computer as the server, Menu>Network>X11VNC server
--enter a password at the prompt
2. run Menu>Network>Tightvnc client on the second computer
--enter the servers IP at the prompt
--enter the servers password at the prompt

For a MS Windows client try Tightvnc portable from here:
NO account, no registration, no hassle and small. Should work the same as with a Puppy client, does on mine.
You could also try this old viewer version from UltraVNC, it's free and works well.

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Re: Remote Desktop for Puppy?

Post by wizard »


but I am using an old computer for these tests, just to see if I can get RD working.

A file server for home use doesn't need much hardware power. I have two old laptops, one Pentium M and one Pentium 3 as servers, both 32bit. They're small, quiet and don't use much power. On a home file server a 64bit operating systems really doesn't gain you anything, it's just storing files. There shouldn't be any problem getting VNC working, I used it on my first file server which was a 300mhz Pentium 2 laptop. Today, I'd recommend using a minimum of a Pentium 4, 512mb ram, USB 2 system as a good choice since it could run Friendly-Bionic32 AND use an external USB 2 drive for storage.

If you choose a server computer that can boot from an external USB drive, then everything, Puppy OS and your file storage can all be on the external USB drive and the computer is simply a hardware "host" that can be easily changed. Lots of combinations can be used to fit the available hardware you might have laying around.

Once you have a server system setup you can use it to store/upload/download files or stream stored music and videos on your computers, tablets or phones.


Last edited by wizard on Sun Jun 05, 2022 5:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Big pile of OLD computers


Re: Remote Desktop for Puppy?

Post by user1111 »

mikewalsh wrote: Sun Jun 05, 2022 12:04 pm

Remote Displays ONLY forward the visual display and ignore all other hardware transmissions in a streams to the local PC.

Um.....huh?? :?

Why would you want to have direct transmission of hardware controls from your machine to the remote one? No makee much sense

Hi @mikewalsh I think remote desktop is more like your backseatdriver, uses a combination of existing tools for more than just a remote pixels type tool such as vnc. Uses Xvnc or whatever other remote pixel tool you might prefer, pulseaudio (requires extra modules to be defined) ...etc.

You can do similar but in however a combination of tools you prefer. For me, tigervnc for the pixels, sshfs for mounting the remote filesystem, sndiod for sound ... works well. For instance I can play Supertuxkart using that, with good visuals and sound if my laptop is hard wired (ethernet), sound becomes a little glitchy if I wifi connect the laptop.

stk.jpg (150.63 KiB) Viewed 3676 times

If I use X forwarding, its much more slow/laggy. X11vnc is also more sluggish.

My laptop is a bit dated now, so my intent is to add a pi 4b or suchlike to that, perhaps glue it to the laptop lid, gigabit hard connect the two and use the laptop as a 'remote' client, served by the pi server. Basically the laptop becoming a smart-terminal, low powered and lightweight (just OpenBSD base install + tigervnc), but more than enough for it to act as a 'pixels client/keyboard/touchpad/speaker'. ... Laptop upgraded for around £70 without having to throw it away and pay ten times that or more for a later laptop version.

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Re: Remote Desktop for Puppy?

Post by mikewalsh »

@rufwoof :-

Hoo. You know way more about this stuff you work with than I do, Ruffers. The main reason I packaged up Smokey's BackSeatDriver was because

  • a ) I thought it was a brilliant concept, and

  • b ) Because it appeared around the time TeamViewer was starting to get "awkward".

(I stress this point. BackSeatDriver might be "mine" only insofar as I packaged it up for the community's benefit, but the work was very definitely that of Smokey01, CatDude, step, jamesbond, and a few others. I refuse to take credit for the efforts of others, and I get annoyed when folks credit me for stuff that simply isn't my doing..! :thumbdown: )


A lot of these items I package, I do so for the community's convenience.....for the benefit of others. I'm a packager, basically, not really a coder. Oh, I've put a couple of small utilities together, it's true, but they're pretty basic....nowt special.

Most of the apps I package, I don't understand a fraction of what makes them work. I just try to get them fully-functional, to a point where if I don't use it myself, at least others can take it, run with it, see if it works as expected, etc.

I envy your apparent ease of working with all this command-line stuff as though it were a walk in the park, I really do. Most of what you post about nowadays is so far over my head it's just Greek to me.....though I understand, and appreciate that you have good reason for taking the route you have.

More power to you, that's all I can say. If it works for you.....

Mike. ;)

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Re: Remote Desktop for Puppy?

Post by Clarity »

@mikewalsh I hope you are a bit more informed of what Remote Desktop and the supporting RDP protocol is, now, versus your earlier comment to me.

Its been around in various incarnations over multiple OSes since 1995...originally conceived by IBM.

Hope this is not taken as a distasteful comment, as it intends to lead us toward a successful and simple installation of a remote desktop solution as PUP & DOGs progress into Wayland & Pipewire.

With the power that 64bit PCs now offer, it does NOT take a stretch in seeing that an RDP setup could allow clear use of one's remote machine on the home LAN with an experience as if we are sitting at the remote PC. We can see and hear everything just as if we were on it, in front of it. This is VERY different than a mere display transfer. Think of it as a SUPER SSH with all the components of the remote PC at your fingertips on the local PC! I could start a major compile or major job on the local PC and then watch a movie playing on the remote machine. There are many-many-many other use cases for a real remote desktop including having multiple users have a remote desktop experience active on that remote PC.

But like most/all of my prior recommendations to you, there may be a reluctance to investigate and report.

Peace out!

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