Osmo Contact Problem > Workaround
There has been a problem recently with regard to the creation of Osmo so that it would have a Contacts module. See, https://forum.puppylinux.com/viewtopic. ... 446#p58446 and this thread, https://forum.puppylinux.com/viewtopic. ... 436#p57436.
Its Notes, Tasks (ToDo) and Calendar Modules work well. So I decided to look for an alternative. I couldn't find any other application which handles the three functional modules as effortlessly. I rarely need to access the Contacts Module. But having the information about contacts in one file is handy when I do. So I looked for a work-around.
The structure of Contacts is basically a flat-file database: a table or spreadsheet consisting of columns (categories) and rows (data regarding individuals).
The Workaround:
Well, that's annoying. The instructions from here, https://help.libreoffice.org/6.3/en-US/ ... files.html didn't work the first time I tried it. And now they do*.
Could still use some Column resizing and making it look pretty.
Beats the following written before the success above:
Osmo can export the data of its Contact Module to either a csv or xhtml file. The following website will convert a csv file into a spread sheet in xlsx format. https://www.convertcsv.com/
I could open the contacts.xlsx file in LibreOffice. [If you prefer, you could then use LibreOffice to export it to a different spreadsheet format]. All I had left to do was resize columns. Optional: Adding some color to the spreadsheet.
The good: I don't have that many contacts. But someone may have hundreds. Having to manually re-enter the pertinent information would be a Royal PITA. As a spreadsheet file, it could be used as a node in such applications as CherryTree.
The bad: I don't like using online services; and especially don't like having to upload information I prefer to keep private. But I could not find (see following) a desktop application to handle the conversion.
Don't hesitate to post to this thread if you have any other suggestions.
Menu Entry:
If you export your Osmo contacts to a Spread-Sheet, the following will create a Menu Entry so that you can open it directly.
Remove the false gz. Then drop it into /usr/share/applications. You'll have to edit the file. Open it in geany/text-editor and change the line which currently reads
Exec=defaultspreadsheet /PATH-TO-FILE/Contacts.ods
Note that it will open the file in your default spreadsheet. Mine is LibreOffice-Calc. After opening the converted file as a xlsx I exported it to 'Calc's' native ods format with the name Contacts; hence Contacts.ods. Replace "PATH-TO-FILE" with the actual full path to whereever you've located it.
Other arguments in the desktop file locate it on the Personal Submenu, and use the builtin user.svg icon. Then run fixmenus-or-restart-x/Graphical Server. Remember to Save to your SaveFile/Folder.
Both gnumeric nor FreeOffice-Calc lack conversion modules. OpenOffice probably has one. And microsoft-suite has it own method.