Questions about GOverlay & MangoHUD..?
Morning, gang.
Bit of a change of direction for me, I know, but I came across Urban Terror earlier on today, downloaded the current version - v4.3.4 - turned it into a 'portable' (at 1.4 GB, it's a slight case of 'ouch!'), and have just been generally messing-about with it all afternoon and most of the evening. Since it's a kind of "all-in-one" package, containing Windoze, Crapple AND 32- & 64-bit Linux launchers, I've been trying it out across the kennels. Seems to run everywhere, no matter what Pup I throw it at.
(Even for a 'non-gamer' like me, it's actually quite playable, and really rather fun!)
Now, to get to the thread subject matter....
I subscribe to a number of YouTube channels, including this one:-
Dawid (David) is a late 20s/30-something Welsh guy who emigrated to Canada several years ago. Mostly what he does is related to gaming, but he does a ton of vids where he basically loves taking the p**s out of AliExpress, Craigslist, Wish, etc, etc, in respect of how crap a lot of their products are..! He's got a standard range of games he uses to try out all these weird & wonderful setups he builds.
I've noticed, in most of these vids when he's demoing games, that he uses a kind of 'transparent'-backed 'window that gives all the relevant stats about GPU temps, framerates, CPU temps and load.....all that kinda stuff. Long story short, after much research it transpires there's a Linux equivalent of all this, powered by GOverlay and an app called MangoHUD. I ripped the .deb packages for GOverlay & MangoHUD from a PPA over at - these are for Fossapup64 - and, except for the need of one specific Qt5 lib (obtained from the PPM), have it up-and-running in Fossapup.
Now; does anybody have any experience of this thing? I can't for the life of me figure out how to set this thing to run when actually playing a game! Would a script in /root/Startup be needed? The documentation for MangoHUD - which is maintained by an Italian guy who freely admits it's still in 'beta' & is not exactly 'stable' ATM - is absolutely piss-poor. Like, there isn't least, not that I can find.
The GOverlay GUI - see below:-
[Click to enlarge:-]
....has a 'Run' button down the bottom right, giving a preview of how it looks, superimposed over the top of a 'glxgears' window:-
But it's not at all clear how to get this running during gameplay. (I did find a brief mention - I forget where, now - of an exec line in something being set as
Code: Select all
mangohud --session=1
.....or something similar (not even sure I remembered it correctly, 'cos of course I can't find it again, can I?)
Any "experts" out there got any experience with using MangoHUD in Puppy? Advice would be appreciated, as always.....