@mouldy :-
If that's a front end for RecMyDesk, there's a wee trick to getting sound working. In RecordMyDesktop, you have to set up the sound parameters before you try doing anything. I also found out, long ago, that unless you do set the card correctly, it won't actually fire-up at all.
OOTB, RecordMyDesktop comes preset to
audio device = 'DEFAULT'
sample rate (or 'frequency') = 22050
Channels are set to 1 (mono)
That 'DEFAULT' won't work for Puppy. ALSA likes a specific device to work with, so you need to replace 'DEFAULT" with whatever card your microphone works with; in my case, I use
.....and that way, it's set to use the twin stereo mikes on my Logitech webcam - I discovered, quite by accident a couple of years ago, that the c920 will act as an audio input device even when not in use as a webcam (obviously, the audio card & video inputs are individually adjustable, and must run on two separate circuits). I also have a couple of 'headsets', both with boom microphones, but it's easier just to leave RecMyDesk permanently set to use the c920's microphones.
(While you're at it, it's not a bad idea to change that sample rate to 44100; it gives more natural sound reproduction. And if you have it available, and want to be able to include audio from your computer as well, remember to tick the "Loopback mixing" checkbox in Retrovol, or wherever. Perhaps in 'alsamixer'; I seem to recall the audio set-up in EasyOS 'Buster' took some head-scratching to figure out....)
I've been using RecordMydesktop for years; it's one of the simplest, easiest-to-use screencasters around for Puppy. Just out of interest, where did you get this "Easycast" from? Is it only in the EasyOS repos? I'm just a-wondering now if it would work with Puppy.....
@BarryK :-
Barry, is this a "built-in" item, or is it available as a standalone package? I don't really want to have to download/install EasyOS again just to find it, y'see......I'd like to take a look at this. If it's just using the CLI recordmydesktop as a backend, this might be a good candidate for another 'portable' package, since it won't need all that Python stuff..!