i save ALL of my forum PUP-DOG sessions in a folder on the PC's system drive. For performance and integrity reasons, NEVER on a USB stick.
I have an ext4 partition that has folder on it "Sessions" where all persistence from each and every PUP/DOG is kept. This makes for easy understanding and for good housekeeping.
For example on one of my PC, a pristine boot of any new PUP is ALWAYS started on the 'linux' line adding PUPPY's PSAVE parameter: It looks like this:
linux /vmlinuz ... psave=sda4:/Sessions/
This parm does 2 important functions if you are using any modern WoofCE based PUP; namely
directs the pristine WHERE to save the persistence.
allow @gyrog's WoofCE INIT modules to create a 'persistence' identifier file such that the need to specify psave is not needed upon reboots. It creates the SAVESPEC file.
The SAVESPEC for the above PC looks like this:
Code: Select all
So if I want to find what was done in any particular PUP/DOG, I look in the "Sessions" folder for the PUP's persistence.
Hope this is helpful understanding