The best puppy versions which can be installed when you have this problem is Ubuntu Xenial 7.5 or Bionicpup on main puppy website https://puppylinux-woof-ce.github.io/
You may have problems on booting , but try for at least 3 times to boot until appears the desktop .
I assume that you know to install Puppy linux , if not here is an example .
But don't forget after making the partitions to select from which partition to boot ( this step doesn't appear in most videos) .Just right click on the big partition (probably sda1) - Manage flags - check the box "boot" .
After you choose on which partition to install Puppy ( probably sda1), appears the message about missing files . Press Ok . Another window appears telling to choose from where to install these files : CD or Directory. Choose Directory . Appears another window which doesn't matter because we don't use it . But you go on desktop and open the USB with burned iso (probably sdb or sdc ) . Open the burned iso folder . Inside of this folder is anothet folder something like "puppy_xenialpup 7.5.sfs" . Push it . Appears a window -from which you choose "Install" .Press Ok every time when you are prompted . Another message will appear telling that it failed . Which is alright .
Now you go back at Menu - Universal installer and follow again the steps for installing . Now will not ask for missing files but the problem is not solved yet .
So you choose Full install . Then a window asks for installing Grub4dos . Be very careful here . You press OK like in the video untill Grub4dos is installed .But right away after installing Grub4dos appears a window with this kind of text (this is an example) :
If you have GRUB installed, find the 'menu.lst' file (usually in /boot
in the partition in which GRUB is installed) and insert the text,
or, if you have GRUB4DOS installed, find the 'menu.lst' file (usually
in / in the partition in which GRUB4DOS is installed) and insert this:
title Puppy Linux - BionicPup32 19.03 full install in sda1
#root (hd0,0) <-- GRUB legacy, ex: (hd1,0), etc..
find --set-root uuid () 99f516f5-ef1c-4c1f-840a-239d0f62d410
kernel /boot/vmlinuz fullinstall root=UUID=99f516f5-ef1c-4c1f-840a-239d0f62d410 pmedia=atahd
# root=/dev/sda1
initrd /boot/initrd.gz
For GRUB you must set root (hdX,X) to the correct values and comment/remove uuid. root (hdX,X) is also supported by grub4dos..
So copy that text ( be careful to select the text from the word "title ......) . This is an example of which text you have to copy from that window : "
You copy from your window the text which begins with "title" - like the bold text in the example from above .
Now go in Menu - Filesystem - Pfinder file finder . In the window that will appear there is a search bar and type " menu.lst " and push search . If nothing appears search again until will show one or two files.
Open the first file . A window appears with some texts . Go under is written "Full install ..." . Let a gap of one row between this text ( Full install ) and past the text copied . Again let an empty row between the last row of this text and the next one below . Above this window is "Save" . Push it . Close the window .
Now reboot (don't need to save) .
When rebooting a menu appears . You choose probably the first one something like " Puppy Linux - xenialpup64 7.5 full install in sda1 " .
Everytime you reboot or start - choose this option .
If you successfuly boot from the installed Puppy then you have to make a internet connection .
If you have wire connection this are the steps :
Menu - Setup - network connection wizard - Wireless or wired Lan - network wizard - eth0 (or whatever is your connection name ) - a window loading will appear - Ok - Done - Set up as default
In terminal (is named console and is located on desktop) write this : pppoe-setup
Terminal asks your username : username from internet provider
Interface (default eth0) : push enter (or if it's named different in "network wizard" then write that one here )
Enter the demand value (default no) : push enter
Dns.. Enter the Dns information here : opendns.com
Enter the secondary dns server address here : push enter
Password : (type the password even if doesn't appear nothing on screen)
Please re-enter your password: again password
Chose a type of firewall (0-2) : 1
Accept this settings ... (y/n) : y
If you have wireless than these 2 videos are some examples :
For choosing browser :
Push Quickpet (on desktop ) - Browsers - Firefox (i believe is the best from there ) . Push Ok when prompted .
Open Firefox (Menu -Internet -Firefox) .
Set the time (so internet could work ) - menu - Desktop - Set date and time
If no internet page appears - on the right above of browsers page is a buton (like 3 lines ) - Preferences - Set google your home page .
If still doesn't work - on the bottom it is something like " make an exception " - push every time the last option untill the google will appear .
Also waterfox browser is good if firefox won't work .
Enjoy Puppy Linux .
I thank to God because i found the solutions "by mistake" .
To try xenialpup (Mikeslr and Bigpup porpouse that) between 30-40 o.s. , to find "menu.lst" file through Pfinder , to check my ram slots if they are good (which they were not) , to find good rams (i have tried 4 ram slots) .
I don't believe in multiple coincidence .
Thank also to Mikeslr and Bigpup for help .