How and why EasyOS is different
I have just posted another reply to this thread, to clarify how "hardware profiling" differs in Puppy and Easy:
For a more complete list of what is different in Easy, I have also just now updated the "How and Why EasyOS is different" web page: ... erent.html
Lots of similarities with Puppy, and you will likely find most Puppy PET packages work in Easy. Especially the "noarch" ones.
In fact, if you look in the Easy menu, there are dozens of Puppy PETs, including those by plinej, and the Peasy* series by rcrsn51. Also, radky's easyapps (pupapps tweaked for different package collection) and pupcontrol are icons on the desktop, jwmdesk is in the menu.
So, a huge amount of cross-pollination is going on.