P◎⟆Ⴅinჹ from Mc⟴ Թ⟰⟰⟱’s using PuϠϠ ᴉᴝ Terminal.
Well, not really. Seriously, though. Per https://github.com/ZhymabekRoman/Puffin ... r-on-Linux:
• Based on old version of Chromium engine, because of this, some sites refuse to working.
• No support for DRM and browser extensions”
As puffin is based on Chromium, it’s likely that it can be installed into Puppys. But why bother?
Read “some” in the above quote to now mean many even most. Without support for DRM and browser extensions it’s likely that much of what you would want to access can’t be.
If you really want to try it I think* you'll first have to look for instructions on this Forum for cloning git repos. Then open a terminal and type one of the methods for installation given on the post, except --as Puppys don't use sudo or apt-- leave out the first part of those instructions which read "sudo apt update && sudo apt install". I think a deb file will be downloaded. Puppys can install 'debs" if you Left-click them.
Back up your SaveFile/Folder first. Installing strange things may have strange consequences.
Also --as Puppys are NOT a cut-down version of their binary compatible distros-- learn how to use ListDD to find out what dependencies an application may have which Puppys may lack. Also look for clues in the Chromium and Chromium-Clone threads as to what you'll have to do to over-come Puppys running 'as root' while 'Chromes' prohibit that.
* I've only made use of github once, several months ago. So what I did is a blur. It is possible that using wget as set out above will be sufficient. If I was interested, I'd first try wget without setting up to use github.