Where is the .bashrc or .zshrc file?
Can someone tell me where I can find the ."bashrc" file?
I want to add to the PATH variable but its been a while since I've needed to.
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Can someone tell me where I can find the ."bashrc" file?
I want to add to the PATH variable but its been a while since I've needed to.
/root/.bashrc (turn on view hidden files)
Yes thats where I went first but its not there in xenialpup64-7.5
Or not in mine anyway
Can I do it in etc/.profile or is there a better way ?
.bashrc should be in your user's home folder (i.e. ~/). If it's not there then create it.
In fossapup the first line of .bashrc is
Code: Select all
. /etc/profile
which is like including /etc/profile.
(Remember to export your variable, else it will not changed).
Well I don't know about that . Its not there and everything works fine so why would I need ~/.bashrc ?
My profile file seems to be being loaded anyway from somewhere else .
I have not deleted it as far as I know . I'll try a new load of Xenialpup64 and see if its in that.
I booted a fresh (pfix=ram) frugal of XenialPup64 and /root/.bashrc is there
You can add other locations to PATH system-wide by editing /etc/profile
Use a colon as the separator between each of the paths in the string
each user in a multi-user system has a ./bashrc or ./bash_profile in it's /home/<username> directory. Puppy Linux though is not but also good idea to add a .bashrc
into user spot's home directory
having the .bashrc is proper Linux. Puppy Linux also determines what the terminal consoles look like via the PS1=
environment variable.
In this example from a Bionic64-8.0 that I have added some settings for SnowMix which is open source television broadcast software. The mixer board that blends video cameras and audio inputs and graphics/text
Code: Select all
umask 022
PS1="\[\e]2;\w\a\e[1:32m\]$USER-\\$ \[\e[0m\]"
# enable Pkg 1.9.22 TAB completion
. /etc/bash_completion.d/pkg 2>/dev/null
export SNOWMIX=/usr/lib/Snowmix-
export SM=/usr/lib/Snowmix-