Puppy Live CD with built-in Chinese input platform

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Puppy Live CD with built-in Chinese input platform

Post by icake »

Based on the Puppy vanilladpup 9.0.36 system(by dimkr), I have created these 24 live cds(size around 400mb)with built-in Chinese input platform (with over 20 Chinese input methods):

A. 8 English live cds with Chinese input platforms: (uploaded here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/icakec ... up-9.0.36/)
64 bit:
fcitx input platform: icake64-vdp9036-fcitx-eng.iso
ibus input platform: icake64-vdp9036-ibus-eng.iso
scim input platform: icake64-vdp9036-scim-eng.iso
yong input platform: icake64-vdp9036-yong-eng.iso

32 bit:
fcitx input platform: icake32-vdp9036-fcitx-eng.iso
ibus input platform: icake32-vdp9036-ibus-eng.iso
scim input platform: icake32-vdp9036-scim-eng.iso
yong input platform: icake32-vdp9036-yong-eng.iso

B. 8 Simplified Chinese live cds with input platforms: (uploaded here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/icakec ... up-9.0.36/)
64 bit:
fcitx input platform: icake64-vdp9036-fcitx-zhcn.iso
ibus input platform: icake64-vdp9036-ibus-zhcn.iso
scim input platform: icake64-vdp9036-scim-zhcn.iso
yong input platform: icake64-vdp9036-yong-zhcn.iso

32 bit:
fcitx input platform: icake32-vdp9036-fcitx-zhcn.iso
ibus input platform: icake32-vdp9036-ibus-zhcn.iso
scim input platform: icake32-vdp9036-scim-zhcn.iso
yong input platform: icake32-vdp9036-yong-zhcn.iso

C. 8 Traditional Chinese live cds with input platforms: (uploaded here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/icakec ... up-9.0.36/)
64 bit:
fcitx input platform: icake64-vdp9036-fcitx-zhhk.iso
ibus input platform: icake64-vdp9036-ibus-zhhk.iso
scim input platform: icake64-vdp9036-scim-zhhk.iso
yong input platform: icake64-vdp9036-yong-zhhk.iso

32 bit:
fcitx input platform: icake32-vdp9036-fcitx-zhhk.iso
ibus input platform: icake32-vdp9036-ibus-zhhk.iso
scim input platform: icake32-vdp9036-scim-zhhk.iso
yong input platform: icake32-vdp9036-yong-zhhk.iso

Mar 28, 2022

Last edited by icake on Wed Mar 30, 2022 2:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Puppy Live CD with built-in Chinese input platform

Post by ally »

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Re: Puppy Live CD with built-in Chinese input platform

Post by icake »

Thanks ally.

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combo live cds with 4-in-1 Chinese input platforms based on ScPup32 and ScPup64 22.02_0-T systems

Post by icake »

Based on the ScPup32 and ScPup64 22.02+0-T systems(by peebee), I have installed suitable icake Chinese language pets and remastered 2 combo live cds(size around 400mb each)with 4-in-1 Chinese input platforms(each with over 20 Chinese input methods).

64 bit: icake64-scp220200-est-fisy.iso
32 bit: icake64-scp220200-est-fisy.iso

I. At bootup, user can select:

1. Chinese input method platform from: (fcitx, ibus, scim or yong)

2. user interface language from: (English, Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese)

II. So the maximum number of live systems that can be created from a single combo iso is: 12 = 4 (Input Platforms) X 3 (User Interfaces)

III. The names of the icake combo live cd contains the following information:
1. System architect:
icake64 - for 64 bit systems
icake32 - for 32 bit systems

2. Puppy English system used: scp220200 is ScPup22.02+0-T

3. Language for user interface

e - English
s - Simplified Chinese
t - Traditional Chinese

4. Chinese input platforms included (each comes with more than 20 different Chinese input methods):

f - fcitx Chinese input platform
i - ibus Chinese input platform
s - scim Chinese input platform
y - yong Chinese input platform

Please see the first post of this subject for more information about the Chinese input platforms used.

To download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/icakec ... isy_combo/

Apr 5, 2022

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6 combo live cds with 4-in-1 Chinese input platforms

Post by icake »

Based on these 6 Puppy systems:
impishpup32-21.10-RC5.iso (by peebee)
imppup64-9.6.1.iso (by 666philb)
jammypup32-22.04RC2.iso (by peebee)
jammypup64-9.7b.iso (by Grey)
lxpupsc32-22.02+3-T-k64.iso (by peebee)
lxpup64-22.02+3-T.iso (by peebee)

I have installed suitable icake Chinese language pets and remastered 6 combo live cds with 4-in-1 Chinese input platforms.

64 bit:

32 bit:

I. At bootup, user can select:

1. Chinese input method platform from: (fcitx, ibus, scim or yong)

2. user interface language from: (English, Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese)

II. So the maximum number of live systems that can be created from each combo iso is: 12 = 4 (Input Platforms) X 3 (User Interfaces)

III. The names of the icake combo live cd contain the following information:
1. System architect:
icake64 - for 64 bit systems
icake32 - for 32 bit systems

2. Puppy English system used:
64 bit:
imp961 is imppup64-9.6.1.iso
jammypup9.7b is jammypup64-9.7b.iso
lps220203 is lxpup64-22.02+3-T.iso

32 bit:
imp211005 is impishpup32-21.10-RC5.iso
JammyPup2204RC2 is jammypup32-22.04RC2.iso
lxp220203 is lxpupsc32-22.02+3-T-k64.iso

3. Language for user interface

e - English
s - Simplified Chinese
t - Traditional Chinese

4. Chinese input platforms included (each comes with more than 20 different Chinese input methods):

f - fcitx Chinese input platform
i - ibus Chinese input platform
s - scim Chinese input platform
y - yong Chinese input platform

For more information about these combo live cds, please see the pdf user guide written in English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese: "20220411_user_guide_icake_live_cd_with_built-in_Chinese_support".

To download these live cds and user guide: https://sourceforge.net/projects/icakec ... isy_combo/

Apr 12, 2022

Posts: 454
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8 more combo live cds with 4-in-1 Chinese input platforms

Post by icake »

Based on these 2 English Puppy systems:
quickpup64-22.01+beta11.iso (by mistfire)
upupff+d_20.12+12.iso (by peebee)

I have installed suitable icake Chinese language pets and remastered these 2 combo live cds with 4-in-1 Chinese input platforms.
icake64-qp2201b11-est-fisy.iso (565 mb)
icake32-upffd201212-est-fisy.iso (383 mb)

Using the above 2 new combo live cds plus 4 previously released combo live cds, I have added libreoffice and created these 6 combo live cds containing libreoffice and 4-in-1 Chinese input platforms:
icake64lo654-qp2201b11-est-fisy.iso (787 mb)
icake64office-lps220203-est-fisy.iso (568 mb)
icake64office-scp220200-est-fisy.iso (642 mb)
icake32lo628-upffd201212-est-fisy.iso (575 mb)
icake32office-imp211005-est-fisy.iso (585 mb)
icake32office-scp220200-est-fisy.iso (608 mb)

I. At bootup, user can select:

1. Chinese input method platform from: (fcitx, ibus, scim or yong)

2. user interface language from: (English, Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese)

II. So the maximum number of live systems that can be created from each combo iso is: 12 = 4 (Input Platforms) X 3 (User Interfaces)

III. The names of the icake combo live cd contains the following information:
1. System architect:
icake64 - for 64 bit systems
icake32 - for 32 bit systems
icake64office - for 64 bit systems with libreoffice
icake32office - for 32 bit systems with libreoffice
icake64lo654 - for 64 bit systems with libreoffice 6.5.4
icake32lo628 - for 32 bit systems with libreoffice 6.2.8

2. Puppy English system used:
qp2201b11 is quickpup 22.01 beta11
upffd201212 is upupff+D_20.12+12
lps220203 is lxpup64-22.02+3-T.iso
imp211005 is impishpup32-21.10-RC5.iso
scp220200 is ScPup 22.02+0-T.iso

3. Language for user interface
e - English
s - Simplified Chinese
t - Traditional Chinese

4. Chinese input platforms included (each comes with more than 20 different Chinese input methods):
f - fcitx Chinese input platform
i - ibus Chinese input platform
s - scim Chinese input platform
y - yong Chinese input platform

For more information about these combo live cds, please see the pdf user guide written in English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese: "20220411_user_guide_icake_live_cd_with_built-in_Chinese_support".

To download these live cds and user guide: https://sourceforge.net/projects/icakec ... isy_combo/

Apr 23, 2022

Posts: 454
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11 more Puppy Live CD with built-in Chinese input platform

Post by icake »

Based on these 6 English Puppy systems:
bionicpup32-8.0+30-uefi.iso (by peebee)
DL64_bookworm-obdog.20220201.iso (by fredx181)
DL32_bookworm-obdog.20220201.iso (by fredx181)
slacko64-8.2.2.iso (by peebee)
vanillaupup-22.04-14.iso (by dimkr)
VoidPup32 22.02+4.iso (by peebee)

I have installed suitable icake Chinese language pets and remastered these 6 combo live cds with 4-in-1 Chinese input platforms.

icake32-bionicpup8030-est-fisy.iso (373 mb)
icake32-dlbw-obdog-20220201-est-fisy.iso (550 mb)
icake32-void220204-est-fisy.iso (497 mb)
icake64-dlbw-obdog-20220201-est-fisy.iso (581 mb)
icake64-slacko822-est-fisy.iso (678 mb)
icake64-vup220414-est-fisy.iso (492 mb)

Using 5 of the above 6 new combo live cds, I have added libreoffice and created these 5 combo live cds containing libreoffice

and 4-in-1 Chinese input platforms:
icake32lo628-bionicpup8030-est-fisy.iso (569 mb)
icake32lo628-dlbw-obdog-20220201-est-fisy.iso (748 mb)
icake32lo628-void220204-est-fisy.iso (727 mb)
icake64lo654-dlbw-obdog-20220201-est-fisy.iso (808 mb)
icake64lo645-slacko822-est-fisy.iso (905 mb)

I. At bootup, user can select:

1. Chinese input method platform from: (fcitx, ibus, scim or yong)

2. user interface language from: (English, Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese)

II. So the maximum number of live systems that can be created from each combo iso is: 12 = 4 (Input Platforms) X 3 (User Interfaces)

III. The names of the icake combo live cd contains the following information:
1. System architect:
icake64 - for 64 bit systems
icake32 - for 32 bit systems
icake64lo654 - for 64 bit systems with libreoffice 6.4.5
icake64lo645 - for 64 bit systems with libreoffice 6.4.5
icake32lo628 - for 32 bit systems with libreoffice 6.2.8

2. Puppy English system used:
bionic8030 is bionicpup32-8.0+30-uefi.iso
dlbw-obdog is DL64_bookworm-obdog.20220201.iso
slcko822 is slacko64-8.2.2.iso
vup220414 is vanillaupup-22.04-14.iso
void220204 is VoidPup32 22.02+4.iso

3. Language for user interface
e - English
s - Simplified Chinese
t - Traditional Chinese

4. Chinese input platforms included (each comes with more than 20 different Chinese input methods):
f - fcitx Chinese input platform
i - ibus Chinese input platform
s - scim Chinese input platform
y - yong Chinese input platform

For more information about these combo live cds, please see the pdf user guide written in English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese: "20220502_user_guide_icake_live_cd_with_built-in_Chinese_support".

To download these live cds and user guide: https://sourceforge.net/projects/icakec ... isy_combo/

May 14, 2022

Posts: 454
Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2020 8:07 am
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19 Puppy Live CD with built-in Chinese input platform

Post by icake »

Based on these 12 English Puppy systems:
bionicpup64_8.0-2019-12-20.iso (by plinej)
buster 8.0-k4.19.56 (by radky)
dpup stretch 7.5-2019 (by radky)
easy-4.0-amd64.img (by Barryk)
fossapup64-9.5.iso (by peebee)
friendly-bionic32-rc3.iso (by wiard)
stretch 7.5-k4.19.56 (by radky)
tahr64-6.0.5.iso (by 666philb)
tahr-6.0.5-PAE.iso (by 666philb)
tahr-6.0.5-noPAE.iso (by 666philb)
vanilladpup32 9.2.0 preview 16 (by dimkr)
vanilladpup64 9.2.0 preview 16 (by dimkr)

I have installed suitable icake Chinese language pets and remastered these 12 combo live cds with multi Chinese input platforms.
icake32-buster-8.0-k4.19.56-est-fsy.iso (451 mb)
icake32-dpup-stretch-7.5-2019-est-fsy.iso (477 mb)
icake32-friendly-bionic-rc3-est-fisy.iso (565 mb)
icake32-tahr-6.0.5-PAE-est.fsy.iso (270 mb)
icake32-tahr-6.0.5-noPAE-est-fsy.iso (270 mb)
icake32-stretch-7.5-k4.19.56-est-fsy.iso (409 mb)
icake32-vanilladpup920p16-est-fisy.iso (577 mb)
icake64-bionicpup-8.0-2019.12.20-est-fsy.iso (538 mb)
icake64-fossapup95-est-fsy.iso (498 mb)
icake64-tahr-6.0.5-est-fsy.iso (303 mb)
icake64-vanilladpup920p16-est-fisy.iso (579 mb)
icake64lo7132-easydunfell400-est-fsy.img (773 mb)

Using 7 of the above 12 new combo live cds, I have added libreoffice and created these 7 combo live cds containing libreoffice and multi Chinese input platforms:
icake32lo628-buster-8.0-k4.19.56-est-fsy.iso (627 mb)
icake32lo628-dpup-stretch-7.5-2019-est-fsy.iso (669 mb)
icake32lo628-stretch-7.5-k4.19.56-est-fsy.iso (601 mb)
icake32lo628-tahr-6.0.5-PAE-est.fsy.iso (495 mb)
icake32lo628-tahr-6.0.5-noPAE-est-fsy.iso (495 mb)
icake64LO645-bionicpup-8.0-2019.12.20-est-fsy.iso (761 mb)
icake64lo645-tahr-6.0.5-est-fsy.iso (526 mb)

I. At bootup, user can select:

1. Chinese input method platform from: (fcitx, ibus, scim or yong)

2. user interface language from: (English, Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese)

II. So the maximum number of live systems that can be created from each combo iso is: 12 = 4 (Input Platforms) X 3 (User Interfaces)

III. The names of the icake combo live cd contains the following information:
1. System architect:
icake64 - for 64 bit systems
icake32 - for 32 bit systems
icake64lo7132 - for easydunfell with libreoffice
icake64lo645 - for 64 bit systems with libreoffice 6.4.5
icake32lo628 - for 32 bit systems with libreoffice 6.2.8

2. Puppy English system used:
bionicpup-8.0-2019.12.20 is bionicpup64_8.0-2019.12.20.iso
buster 8.0-k4.19.56 is buster 8.0-k4.19.56
dpup-stretch-7.5-2019 is dpup stretch 7.5-2019
easy-4.0-amd64 is easy-4.0-amd64.img
fossapup95 is fossapup64-9.5.iso
friendly-bionic-rc3 is friendly-bionic32-rc3.iso
stretch-7.5-k4.19.56 is stretch 7.5-k4.19.56
tahr-6.0.5 is tahr64-6.0.5.iso
tahr-6.0.5-PAE is tahr-6.0.5-PAE.iso
tahr-6.0.5-noPAE is tahr-6.0.5-noPAE.iso
icake32-vanilladpup920p16 is vanilladpup32 9.2.0 preview 16
icake64-vanilladpup920p16 is vanilladpup64 9.2.0 preview 16

3. Language for user interface
e - English
s - Simplified Chinese
t - Traditional Chinese

4. Chinese input platforms included (each comes with more than 20 different Chinese input methods):
f - fcitx Chinese input platform
i - ibus Chinese input platform (applicable to some systems)
s - scim Chinese input platform
y - yong Chinese input platform

For more information about these combo live cds, please see the pdf user guide written in English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese: "20220502_user_guide_icake_live_cd_with_built-in_Chinese_support".

To download these live cds and user guide: https://sourceforge.net/projects/icakec ... isy_combo/

Jun 26, 2022

Posts: 454
Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2020 8:07 am
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13 more Puppy Live CD with built-in Chinese input platform

Post by icake »

Based on these 13 English Puppy/Debian-live systems:
DebLive_bookworm-tint2-2022-07-28-amd64-UEFI.iso (by fredx181)
friendly-fossa64-rc4.iso (by wizard)
jackpal-0.0-rc3-uefi.iso (by puddlemoon)
puppex-bookworm64-non-uefi-vbox-ddog-903mb-220714.iso (by exton)
puppex-bookworm64-uefi-1070mb-220714.iso (by exton)
puppex-bookworm64-uefi-tint2-vbox-623mb-220803.iso (by exton)
puppex-bookworm64-uefi-tint2-vbox-623mb-220807.iso (by exton)
puppex-jammy64-uefi-628mb-220630.iso (by exton)
puppex-slack64-15.0-uefi-554mb-220625.iso (by exton)
vanillaupup64 22.04.61 (by dimkr)
VoidPup64 22.02+7 iso (by peebee)
easydunfell-4.2.7-amd64.img (by Barryk)
VoidPup32 22.02+7 iso (by peebee)

I have installed suitable icake Chinese language pets/debs and remastered these 13 combo live cds with multi Chinese input platforms.
icake64-dlbw-tint2-20220728-uefi-est-fisy.iso (780 mb)
icake64-friendly-fossa64-rc4-est-fisy.iso (730 mb)
icake64-jackalpup-0.0-rc3-uefi-est-fisy.iso (1.5 gb)
icake64-puppex-bookworm-non-uefi-vbox-ddog-220714-est-fisy.iso (1.1 gb)
icake64-puppex-bookworm-uefi-220714-est-fisy.iso (1.3 gb)
icake64-puppex-bookworm-uefi-tint2-vbox-220803-est-fisy.iso (814 mb)
icake64-puppex-bookworm-uefi-tint2-vbox-220807-est-fisy.iso (845 mb)
icake64-puppex-jammy64-220630-est-fisy.iso (817 mb)
icake64-puppex-slack64-15.0-220625-est-fisy.iso (724 mb)
icake64-vanillaupup-22.04.61-est-fisy.iso (619 mb)
icake64-voidpup-22.02.07-est-fsy.iso (518 mb)
icake64lo7132-easydunfell-4.2.7-amd64-est-fsy.img (865 mb)
icake32-voidpup-22.02.07-est-fisy.iso (560 mb)

I. At bootup, user can select:

1. Chinese input method platform from: (fcitx, ibus, scim or yong), note: some systems has less than 4 platforms

2. user interface language from: (English, Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese)

II. So the maximum number of live systems that can be created from each combo iso is: 12 = 4 (Input Platforms) X 3 (User Interfaces)

III. The names of the icake combo live cd contains the following information:
1. System architect:
icake64 - for 64 bit systems
icake32 - for 32 bit systems
icake64lo7132 - for easydunfell with libreoffice

2. Puppy English system used:
icake64-dlbw-tint2-20220728-uefi-est-fisy.iso is DebLive_bookworm-tint2-2022-07-28-amd64-UEFI.iso
icake64-friendly-fossa64-rc4-est-fisy.iso is friendly-fossa64-rc4.iso
icake64-jackalpup-0.0-rc3-uefi-est-fisy.iso is jackpal-0.0-rc3-uefi.iso
icake64-puppex-bookworm-non-uefi-vbox-ddog-220714-est-fisy.iso is puppex-bookworm64-non-uefi-vbox-ddog-903mb-220714.iso
icake64-puppex-bookworm-uefi-220714-est-fisy.iso is puppex-bookworm64-uefi-1070mb-220714.iso
icake64-puppex-bookworm-uefi-tint2-vbox-220803-est-fisy.iso is puppex-bookworm64-uefi-tint2-vbox-623mb-220803.iso
icake64-puppex-bookworm-uefi-tint2-vbox-220807-est-fisy.iso is puppex-bookworm64-uefi-tint2-vbox-623mb-220807.iso
icake64-puppex-jammy64-220630-est-fisy.iso is puppex-jammy64-uefi-628mb-220630.iso
icake64-puppex-slack64-15.0-220625-est-fisy.iso is puppex-slack64-15.0-uefi-554mb-220625.iso
icake64-vanillaupup-22.04.61-est-fisy.iso is vanillaupup64 22.04.61
icake64-voidpup-22.02.07-est-fsy.iso is VoidPup64 22.02+7 iso
icake64lo7132-easydunfell-4.2.7-amd64-est-fsy.img is easydunfell-4.2.7-amd64.img
icake32-voidpup-22.02.07-est-fisy.iso is VoidPup32 22.02+7 iso

3. Language for user interface
e - English
s - Simplified Chinese
t - Traditional Chinese

4. Chinese input platforms included (each comes with more than 20 different Chinese input methods):
f - fcitx Chinese input platform
i - ibus Chinese input platform (applicable to some systems)
s - scim Chinese input platform
y - yong Chinese input platform

For more information about these combo live cds, please see the pdf user guide written in English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese: "20220502_user_guide_icake_live_cd_with_built-in_Chinese_support".

To download these live cds and user guide: https://sourceforge.net/projects/icakec ... isy_combo/

Aug 30, 2022

Posts: 454
Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2020 8:07 am
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15 new Puppy/Linux Live CD with built-in Chinese input platform

Post by icake »

Based on these 10 English Puppy/Debian-live systems:
Devuan_live-Trinity-32-bit.iso (fredx181)
Devuan_live-Trinity-64-bit.iso (fredx181)
Debian-live-11.4.0-i386-xfce (Debian team)
Debian-live-11.4.0-amd64-xfce (Debian team)
DebLive_Bullseye-k-5.18_amd64 (fredx181)
JammyPup32-22.04+6 (grey)
KineticPup32-22.10+3PRE (peebee)
fatdog64-813 (fatdog team)
upupFF+D_20.12+13 (peebee)
vanilladpup-9.0.47 (dimkr)

I have installed suitable icake Chinese language pets/debs and remastered these 15 combo live cds with multi Chinese input platforms.
icake32-Devuan_live-Trinity-20220901-est-fisy.iso (624 mb)
icake64-Devuan_live-Trinity-20220901-est-isy.iso (644 mb)
icake64-Devuan_live-Trinity-20220901-est-fisy.iso (667 mb)
icake32-debian-live-11.4.0-i386-xfce-est-fFisy.iso (2.9 Gb)
icake64-debian-live-11.4.0-amd64-xfce-est-fFis.iso (2.8 Gb)
icake64-DebLive_Bullseye-k-5.18_amd64-est-fisy.iso (803 mb)
icake64-DebLive_Bullseye-k-5.18_amd64-est-fgisy.iso (963 mb)
icake32-JammyPup32-22.04+6-est-fghisy.iso (486 mb)
icake32lo628-JammyPup32-22.04+6-est-fghisy.iso (683 mb)
icake32-debian-live-11.4.0-i386-xfce-est-fFghisy.iso (2.9 Gb)
icake64-debian-live-11.4.0-amd64-xfce-est-fFghis.iso (2.8 Gb)
icake32-KineticPup32-22.10+3PRE-est-fghisy.iso (537 mb)
icake64-fatdog64-813-est-fghsy.iso (692 mb)
icake32-upupFF+D_20.12+13-est-fghisy.iso (456 mb)
icake32-vanilladpup-9.0.47-est-fghisy.iso (617 mb)

I. At bootup, user can select:

1. Chinese input method platform from: (fcitx, fcitx5, gcin, hime, ibus, scim or yong), note: some systems have less than 7 platforms

2. user interface language from: (English, Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese)

II. So the maximum number of live systems that can be created from each combo iso is: 21 = 7 (Input Platforms) X 3 (User Interfaces)

III. The names of the icake combo live cd contains the following information:
1. System architect:
icake64 - for 64 bit systems
icake32 - for 32 bit systems
icake32lo628 - for 32 bit system with libreoffice 6.2.8

2. Puppy English system used:
icake32-Devuan_live-Trinity-20220901-est-fisy.iso is Devuan_live-Trinity-32-bit.iso
icake64-Devuan_live-Trinity-20220901-est-isy.iso is Devuan_live-Trinity-64-bit.iso
icake64-Devuan_live-Trinity-20220901-est-fisy.iso is Devuan_live-Trinity-64-bit.iso
icake32-debian-live-11.4.0-i386-xfce-est-fFisy.iso is debian-live-11.4.0-i386-xfce.iso
icake64-debian-live-11.4.0-amd64-xfce-est-fFis.iso is debian-live-11.4.0-amd64-xfce.iso
icake64-DebLive_Bullseye-k-5.18_amd64-est-fisy.iso is DebLive_Bullseye-k-5.18_amd64.iso
icake64-DebLive_Bullseye-k-5.18_amd64-est-fgisy.iso is DebLive_Bullseye-k-5.18_amd64.iso
icake32-JammyPup32-22.04+6-est-fghisy.iso is JammyPup32-22.04+6-est-fghisy.iso
icake32lo628-JammyPup32-22.04+6-est-fghisy.iso is JammyPup32-22.04+6-est-fghisy.iso
icake32-debian-live-11.4.0-i386-xfce-est-fFghisy.iso is debian-live-11.4.0-i386-xfce.iso
icake64-debian-live-11.4.0-amd64-xfce-est-fFghis.iso is debian-live-11.4.0-amd64-xfce.iso
icake32-KineticPup32-22.10+3PRE-est-fghisy.iso is KineticPup32-22.10+3PRE.iso
icake64-fatdog64-813-est-fghsy.iso is Fatdog64-813.iso
icake32-upupFF+D_20.12+13-est-fghisy.iso is upupFF+D_20.12+13.iso
icake32-vanilladpup-9.0.47-est-fghisy.iso is x86 vanilladpup-9.0.47.iso

3. Language for user interface
e - English
s - Simplified Chinese
t - Traditional Chinese

4. Chinese input platforms included (maximum 7 input platforms, each comes with 10 to 36 different Chinese input methods):
f - fcitx Chinese input platform
F - fcitx5 Chinese input platform
g - gcin Chinese input platform
h - hime Chinese input platform
i - ibus Chinese input platform
s - scim Chinese input platform
y - yong Chinese input platform

For more information about these combo live cds, please see the pdf user guide written in English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese: "20220502_user_guide_icake_live_cd_with_built-in_Chinese_support".

To download these live cds and user guide: https://sourceforge.net/projects/icakec ... isy_combo/

Nov 1, 2022

Posts: 454
Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2020 8:07 am
Been thanked: 47 times

17 new Puppy Live CD with built-in Chinese input platform

Post by icake »

Based on these 9 English Puppy/Debian-live systems:
JammyPup32-22.04+8 (peebee)
KineticPup32-22.10+1 (peebee)
vanilladpup-x86-10.0.89-retro (dimkr)
voidpup32-22.02+11 (peebee)
fossapup64-9.6ce (rockedge)
quickpup64-22.01-beta-27 (mistfire)
tahr64-6.0.7 (mikesir)
vanilladpup64-10.0.89-xorg (dimkr)
voidpup64-22.02+11 (peebee)

I have installed suitable icake Chinese language pets/debs and remastered these 17 combo live cds with multi Chinese input platforms.
icake32-JammyPup32-22.04+8-est-fghisy.iso (554 mb)
icake32-KineticPup32-22.10+1-est-fghisy.iso (552 mb)
icake32-vanilladpup-x86-10.0.890retro-est-fghsy.iso (621 mb)
icake32-voidpup32-22.02+11-est-fghisy.iso (541 mb)
icake32lo628-KineticPup32-22.10+1-est-fghisy.iso (752 mb)
icake32lo628-vanilladpup-x86-10.0.890retro-est-fghsy.iso (821 mb)
icake32lo628-voidpup32-22.02+11-est-fghisy.iso (775 mb)
icake64-fossapup64-9.6ce-est-ghisy.iso (535 mb)
icake64-quickpup64-22.01-beta-27-est-fghisy.idso (702 mb)
icake64-tahr64=6.0.7-est-fsy.iso (714 mb)
icake64-vanilladpup64-10.0.89-xorg-est-fghisy.iso (1.2 G)
icake64-void64-22.02+11-est-fghsy.iso (507 mb)
icake64lo645-fossapup64-9.6ce-est-ghisy.iso (767 mb)
icake64lo645-quickpup64-22.01-beta-27-est-fghisy.iso (934 mb)
icake64lo645-tahr64-6.0.7-est-fsy.iso (946 mb)
icake64lo645-vanilladpup64-10.0.89-xorg-est-fghisy.iso (1.4 G)
icake64lo645-void64-22.02+11-est-fghsy.iso (776 mb)

I. At bootup, user can select:
1. Chinese input method platform from: (fcitx, fcitx5, gcin, hime, ibus, scim or yong), note: some systems has less than 7 platforms

2. user interface language from: (English, Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese)

II. So the maximum number of live systems that can be created from each combo iso is: 21 = 7 (Input Platforms) X 3 (User Interfaces)

III. The names of the icake combo live cd contains the following information:
1. System architect:
icake64 - for 64 bit systems
icake32 - for 32 bit systems
icake64lo645 - for 64 bit system with libreoffice64 6.4.5
icake32lo628 - for 32 bit system with libreoffice 6.2.8

2. Puppy English system used:
icake32-JammyPup32-22.04+8-est-fghisy.iso is JammyPup32-22.04+8.iso
icake32-KineticPup32-22.10+1-est-fghisy.iso is KineticPup32-22.10+1.iso
icake32-vanilladpup-x86-10.0.890retro-est-fghsy.iso is vanilladpup-x86-10.0.890retro.iso
icake32-voidpup32-22.02+11-est-fghisy.iso is voidpup32-22.02+11.iso
icake32lo628-KineticPup32-22.10+1-est-fghisy.iso is KineticPup32-22.10+1.iso
icake32lo628-vanilladpup-x86-10.0.890retro-est-fghsy.iso is vanilladpup-x86-10.0.890retro.iso
icake32lo628-voidpup32-22.02+11-est-fghisy.iso is voidpup32-22.02+11.iso
icake64-fossapup64-9.6ce-est-ghisy.iso is fossapup64-9.6ce.iso
icake64-quickpup64-22.01-beta-27-est-fghisy.iso is quickpup64-22.01-beta-27,idso
icake64-tahr64=6.0.7-est-fsy.iso is icake64-tahr64=6.0.7.iso
icake64-vanilladpup64-10.0.89-xorg-est-fghisy.iso is vanilladpup64-10.0.89-xorg.iso
icake64-void64-22.02+11-est-fghsy.iso is void64-22.02+11.iso
icake64lo645-fossapup64-9.6ce-est-ghisy.iso is fossapup64-9.6ce.iso
icake64lo645-quickpup64-22.01-beta-27-est-fghisy.iso is quickpup64-22.01-beta-27.iso
icake64lo645-tahr64-6.0.7-est-fsy.iso is tahr64-6.0.7.iso
icake64lo645-vanilladpup64-10.0.89-xorg-est-fghisy.iso is vanilladpup64-10.0.89-xorg.iso
icake64lo645-void64-22.02+11-est-fghsy.iso is void64-22.02+11.iso

3. Language for user interface
e - English
s - Simplified Chinese
t - Traditional Chinese

4. Chinese input platforms included (maximum 7 input platforms, each comes with 10 to 33 different Chinese input methods):
f - fcitx Chinese input platform
F - fcitx5 Chinese input platform
g - gcin Chinese input platform
h - hime Chinese input platform
i - ibus Chinese input platform
s - scim Chinese input platform
y - yong Chinese input platform

For more information about these combo live cds, please see the pdf user guide written in English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese: "20221107_user_guide_icake_live_cd_with_built-in_Chinese_support.pdf".

To download these live cds and user guide: https://sourceforge.net/projects/icakec ... isy_combo/

Nov 28, 2022

Posts: 454
Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2020 8:07 am
Been thanked: 47 times

10 new Puppy Live CD with built-in Chinese input platform Dec 31, 2022

Post by icake »

Based on these 5 English Puppy systems:
LxPupSc64-22.02+4-T (peebee)
S15Pup64-22.12+0-T (peebee)
VoidPup64-22.02+12 (peebee)
LxPupSc32-22.02+4-T-k64 (peebee)
S15Pup32-22.12+0-T (peebee)

I have installed suitable icake Chinese language pets/debs and remastered these 10 combo live cds with multi Chinese input platforms.
icake64-LxPupSc64-22.02+4-T-est-fghisy.iso (517 mb)
icake64-S15Pup64-22.12+0-T-est-fghisy.iso (529 mb)
icake64-VoidPup64-22.02+12-est-fghisy.iso (587 mb)
icake32-LxPupSc32-22.02+4-T-k64-est-fghisy.iso (478 mb)
icake32-S15Pup32-22.12+0-T-est-fghisy.iso (479 mb)
icake64lo524-LxPupSc64-22.02+4-T-est-fghisy.iso (737 mb)
icake64lo645-S15Pup64-22.12+0-T-est-fghisy.iso (761 mb)
icake64lo645-VoidPup64-22.02+12-est-fghisy.iso (855 mb)
icake32lo628-LxPupSc32-22.02+4-T-k64-est-fghisy.iso (478 mb)
icake32lo628-S15Pup32-22.12+0-T-est-fghisy.iso (679 mb)

I. At bootup, user can select:
1. Chinese input method platform from: (fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, scim or yong)

2. user interface language from: (English, Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese)

II. So the maximum number of live systems that can be created from each combo iso is: 18 = 6 (Input Platforms) X 3 (User Interfaces)

III. The names of the icake combo live cd contains the following information:
1. System architect:
icake64 - for 64 bit systems
icake32 - for 32 bit systems
icake64lo645 - for 64 bit system with libreoffice64 6.4.5
icake64lo524 - for 64 bit system with libreoffice64 5.2.4
icake32lo628 - for 32 bit system with libreoffice 6.2.8

2. Puppy English system used:
icake64-LxPupSc64-22.02+4-T-est-fghisy.iso is LxPupSc64-22.02+4-T
icake64-S15Pup64-22.12+0-T-est-fghisy.iso is S15Pup64-22.12+0-T
icake64-VoidPup64-22.02+12-est-fghisy.iso is VoidPup64-22.02+12
icake32-LxPupSc32-22.02+4-T-k64-est-fghisy.iso is LxPupSc32-22.02+4-T-k64
icake32-S15Pup32-22.12+0-T-est-fghisy.iso is S15Pup32-22.12+0-T
icake64lo524-LxPupSc64-22.02+4-T-est-fghisy.iso is LxPupSc64-22.02+4-T
icake64lo645-S15Pup64-22.12+0-T-est-fghisy.iso is S15Pup64-22.12+0-T
icake64lo645-VoidPup64-22.02+12-est-fghisy.iso is VoidPup64-22.02+12
icake32lo628-LxPupSc32-22.02+4-T-k64-est-fghisy.iso is LxPupSc32-22.02+4-T-k64
icake32lo628-S15Pup32-22.12+0-T-est-fghisy.iso is S15Pup32-22.12+0-T

3. Language for user interface
e - English
s - Simplified Chinese
t - Traditional Chinese

4. Chinese input platforms included (maximum 6 input platforms, each comes with 10 to 33 different

Chinese input methods):
f - fcitx Chinese input platform
g - gcin Chinese input platform
h - hime Chinese input platform
i - ibus Chinese input platform
s - scim Chinese input platform
y - yong Chinese input platform

For more information about these combo live cds, please see the pdf user guide written in English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese: "20221107_user_guide_icake_live_cd_with_built-in_Chinese_support.pdf".

To download these live cds and user guide: https://sourceforge.net/projects/icakec ... isy_combo/

Dec 31, 2022

Posts: 454
Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2020 8:07 am
Been thanked: 47 times

36 Puppy Live CD with built-in Chinese input platform

Post by icake »

I. 36 icake new combo isoes

Based on these 20 English Puppy/debian systems:
32 bit
debian-live-11.5.0-i386-xfce-est-fFghisy (by debian team)
debian-live-11.6.0-i386-xfce-est-fFghisy (by debian team)
devuanpup-9.7.0-chimaera_4.0_i386-est-fghisy.iso (by josejp2424)
KineticPup32-22.10+2-est-fghisy.iso (by peebee)
LxPupSc32-23.01+0-T-k64-est-fghisy.iso (by peebee)
s15pup32-22.12-est-fghisy.iso (by peebee)
upupbb-19.03-est-fghisy.iso (by peebee)
upupff+d-20.12-est-fghisy.iso (by peebee)
upupjj+d-22.04-est-fghisy.iso (by peebee)
vpup32-22.02-est-fghisy.iso (by peebee)
64 bit
debian-live-11.5.0-amd64-xfce-est-fFghisy (by debian team)
debian-live-11.5.0-amd64-xfce-est-fFghisy (by debian team)
F96_4-CE_radky6-est-fghisy (by rockedge)
F96-CE_1-est-fghisy.iso (by rockedge)
friendly-fossa64-v1.0-est-fghisy.iso (by wizard)
LxPupSc64-23.01+0-T-est-fghisy.iso (by peebee)
s15pup64-22.12-est-fghisy.iso (by peebee)
slc_64-2020.12-est-fghsy.iso (by norgo)
upup-22.04-jrb-A3-est-fghisy.iso (by jrb)
vpup64-22.02-est-fghisy.iso (by peebee)

I have installed suitable icake Chinese language pets/debs and remastered these 36 combo live cds with multi Chinese input platforms.
32 bit
icake32-debian-live-11.5.0-i386-xfce-est-fFghisy.iso (2.84 gb)
icake32-debian-live-11.6.0-i386-xfce-est-fFghisy.iso (2.94 gb)
icake32-devuanpup-9.7.0-chimaera_4.0_i386-est-fghisy.iso (585 mb)
icake32-KineticPup32-22.10+2-est-fghisy.iso (442 mb)
icake32-LxPupSc32-23.01+0-T-k64-est-fghisy.iso (462 mb)
icake32-s15pup32-22.12-est-fghisy.iso (503 mb)
icake32-upupbb-19.03-est-fghisy.iso (447 mb)
icake32-upupff+d-20.12-est-fghisy.iso (471 mb)
icake32-upupjj+d-22.04-est-fghisy.iso (489 mb)
icake32-vpup32-22.02-est-fghisy.iso (615 mb)
icake32lo628-devuanpup-9.7.0-chimaera_4.0_i386-est-fghisy.iso (776 mb)
icake32lo628-KineticPup32-22.10+2-est-fghisy.iso (633 mb)
icake32lo628-LxPupSc32-23.01+0-T-k64-est-fghisy.iso (653 mb)
icake32lo628-s15pup32-22.12-est-fghisy.iso (693 mb)
icake32lo628-upupbb-19.03-est-fghisy.iso (638 mb)
icake32lo628-upupff+d-20.12-est-fghisy.iso (662 mb)
icake32lo628-upupjj+d-22.04-est-fghisy.iso (680 mb)
icake32lo628-vpup32-22.02-est-fghisy.iso (838 mb)
64 bit
icake64-debian-live-11.5.0-amd64-xfce-est-fFghisy.iso (2.69 gb)
icake64-debian-live-11.6.0-amd64-xfce-est-fFghisy.iso (2.76 gb)
icake64-F96_4-CE_radky6-est-fghisy.iso (642 mb)
icake64-F96-CE_1-est-fghisy.iso (654 mb)
icake64-friendly-fossa64-v1.0-est-fghisy.iso (681 mb)
icake64-LxPupSc64-23.01+0-T-est-fghisy.iso (462 mb)
icake64-s15pup64-22.12-est-fghisy.iso (562 mb)
icake64-slc_64-2020.12-est-fghsy.iso (439 mb)
icake64-upup-22.04-jrb-A3-est-fghisy.iso (615 mb)
icake64-vpup64-22.02-est-fghisy.iso (629 mb)
icake64lo524-LxPupSc64-23.01+0-T-est-fghisy.iso (708 mb)
icake64lo645-F96-CE_1-est-fghisy.iso (877 mb)
icake64lo645-F96_4-CE_radky6-est-fghisy.iso (863 mb)
icake64lo645-friendly-fossa64-v1.0-est-fghisy.iso (904 mb)
icake64lo645-s15pup64-22.12-est-fghisy.iso (784 mb)
icake64lo645-slc_64-2020.12-est-fghsy.iso (661mb)
icake64lo645-upup-22.04-jrb-A3-est-fghisy.iso (837 mb)
icake64lo645-vpup64-22.02-est-fghisy.iso (886 mb)

II. 12 revised icake combo isoes
I found mistakes that affects these 12 previously uploaded icake combo isoes:
2023-01-05 icake32-bionicpup32ng-8.1+1-est-fghisy.iso
2023-01-05 icake32lo628-bionicpup32ng-8.1+1-est-fghisy.iso
2022-12-17 icake32lo628-LxPupSc32-22.02+4-T-k64-est-fghisy.iso
2022-12-04 icake32lo628-S15Pup32-22.12+0-T-est-fghisy.iso
2023-01-23 icake32lo628-Triton-8.0-uefi-est-fghisy.iso
2022-11-27 icake32lo628-voidpup32-22.02+11-est-fghisy.iso
2022-12-17 icake32-LxPupSc32-22.02+4-T-k64-est-fghisy.iso
2022-12-04 icake32-S15Pup32-22.12+0-T-est-fghisy.iso
2023-01-23 icake32-Triton-8.0-uefi-est-fghisy.iso
2022-11-27 icake32-voidpup32-22.02+11-est-fghisy.iso
2023-02-02 icake64-F96-CE-est-fghisy.iso
2023-02-02 icake64lo645-F96-CE-est-fghisy.iso

They were removed from the public sharing folders and replaced by these new ones with *revised" added into their names on Feb 5, 2023:
2023-02-05 icake32-bionicpup32ng-8.1+1-est-fghisy.revised.iso
2023-02-05 icake32lo628-bionicpup32ng-8.1+1-est-fghisy.revised.iso
2023-02-05 icake32lo628-LxPupSc32-22.02+4-T-k64-est-fghisy.revised.iso
2023-02-05 icake32lo628-S15Pup32-22.12+0-T-est-fghisy.revised.iso
2023-02-05 icake32lo628-Triton-8.0-uefi-est-fghisy.revised.iso
2023-02-05 icake32lo628-voidpup32-22.02+11-est-fghisy.revised.iso
2023-02-05 icake32-LxPupSc32-22.02+4-T-k64-est-fghisy.revised.iso
2023-02-05 icake32-S15Pup32-22.12+0-T-est-fghisy.revised.iso
2023-02-05 icake32-Triton-8.0-uefi-est-fghisy.revised.iso
2023-02-05 icake32-voidpup32-22.02+11-est-fghisy.revised.iso
2023-02-05 icake64-F96-CE-est-fghisy.revised.iso
2023-02-05 icake64lo645-F96-CE-est-fghisy.revised.iso

III. At boot-up, user can select:
1. Chinese input method platform from: (fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, scim or yong) (note: some systems has less than 6)

2. user interface language from: (English, Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese)

VI. So the maximum number of live systems that can be created from each combo iso is: 18 = 6 (Input Platforms) X 3 (User Interfaces)

V. The names of the icake combo live cd contains the following information:
1. System architect:
icake64 - for 64 bit systems
icake32 - for 32 bit systems
icake64lo645 - for 64 bit system with libreoffice64 6.4.5
icake64lo524 - for 64 bit system with libreoffice64 5.2.4
icake32lo628 - for 32 bit system with libreoffice 6.2.8

2. Puppy English system used:
The names of the Puppy English system used is incorporated into the names of the icake combo isoes.

3. Language for user interface
e - English
s - Simplified Chinese
t - Traditional Chinese

4. Chinese input platforms included (maximum 6 input platforms, each comes with 10 to 33 different

Chinese input methods):
f - fcitx Chinese input platform
g - gcin Chinese input platform
h - hime Chinese input platform
i - ibus Chinese input platform
s - scim Chinese input platform
y - yong Chinese input platform

For more information about these combo live cds, please see the pdf user guide written in English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese:


To download these live cds and user guide: https://sourceforge.net/projects/icakec ... isy_combo/

Feb 28, 2023

Posts: 454
Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2020 8:07 am
Been thanked: 47 times

revised Puppy Live CD with built-in Chinese input platform for F96-CE_1

Post by icake »

I received a pm from fhwuxue who found a bug in 2 icake combo isoes:

This bug is now fixed and 2 new icake combo isoes were created:

The 2 new files have been uploaded to the public sharing folder and the 2 old ones removed.

Thanks again to fhwuxue for letting me know about the bug.

Mar 1, 2023

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