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Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 5:25 am
by Clarity
  • Issue:

    Save-Session_error.jpg (95.84 KiB) Viewed 1175 times
  • Requests:

    1. Could the SAMBA utility "findsmb" not be excluded in future FATDOGs?

      FINDSMB-missing.png (4.62 KiB) Viewed 1171 times
    2. And should a GRUB2 utility become a part of FATDOG, now?

      Grub2Boot_Loader-Request.jpg (54.3 KiB) Viewed 1175 times

Continuing testing a very recent ISO dated 02Feb22

Re: Some FATDOG issues

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 6:48 am
by Feek
Clarity wrote: Thu Mar 24, 2022 5:25 am
  • Issue: Save-Session_error.jpg

I would try this:

Code: Select all


Re: Some FATDOG issues

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 9:32 am
by JakeSFR
Clarity wrote:


The path argument expects a path that includes the name of a savefile/dir, or in this case, a session SFS file.
So, something like this:

Code: Select all


should read/create Sessions/multi-session-2022...sfs and so on.

Feek wrote:

Code: Select all


That would work, too, but the SFS files will be named multi--2022...sfs, beacuse the name wasn't specified.

Clarity wrote:

Could the SAMBA utility "findsmb" not be excluded in future FATDOGs?

The findsmb utility is small enough to be included in the base (4.5K), but the problem is that it's a Perl script and the main Perl pkg alone weights 11M. So, if Perl has to be installed anyway, so can be the full Samba pkg.

Clarity wrote:

And should a GRUB2 utility become a part of FATDOG, now?

You mean Shinobar's Grub2config? I don't know, maybe? Has anyone tested it in Fatdog yet? Personally, I use Syslinux exclusively.

Clarity wrote:

Continuing testing a very recent ISO dated 02Feb22

Thanks for testing!


Re: Some FATDOG issues

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 5:01 pm
by user1111

I still use grub4dos, so would hope that if grub2 was added to Control Panel it was a addition rather than a replacement. I also still use ext2 for its greater simplicity/security benefits (yes I know journalling can be turned off to otherwise prevent relatively easy unwanted restoration of deleted files contents). With ext2 its quick and easy to shred your tax return on the laptop once copied/stored wherever so that if at some point the laptop is stolen there's less opportunity to gain personal details that might be used in a identity theft attack.

CAUTION: Note that shred relies on a very important assumption: that
the file system overwrites data in place. This is the traditional way
to do things, but many modern file system designs do not satisfy this
assumption. The following are examples of file systems on which shred
is not effective, or is not guaranteed to be effective in all file sys‐
tem modes:

* log-structured or journaled file systems, such as those supplied with
AIX and Solaris (and JFS, ReiserFS, XFS, Ext3, etc.)

menu.lst file created by Sinobar's grub4dos GUI

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 6:23 pm
by don570

The menu.lst file created by Sinobar's grub4dos app works with fatdog64. It will boot windows 10 as well,
but I'm not sure if the app itself will run in fatdog64 since I have an old hard disk that was used with an older puppy distro.
I don't use a uefi machine. ...


Some FATDOG issues: How to address

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 8:59 pm
by Clarity

Code: Select all


Thanks @Feek and @JakeSFR for this instruction. Your instructions for the above boot parameter fix, allows FATDOG to, now, find the FD session data for constructing the desktop.

Session-folder.jpg (28.65 KiB) Viewed 1079 times
  • o

SAVEFILE Argument Builder error
This leads to a problem that could/should be addressed in 'Savefile Argument Builder', where a drag-drop of the Sessions folder to the app does NOT yield an acceptable recommendation in the field below it in the utility. The error/bug is shown in this picture.

Savefile Argument Builder.jpg
Savefile Argument Builder.jpg (74.26 KiB) Viewed 1084 times
  • o

@JakeSFR I thank you, also, for the finding on why 'findsmb' is not included in the distro. The 11MB need for fuller SAMBA is a inconsequential on 64bit PCs or in an ISO content. Maybe the upcoming FATDOG could consider it as SAMBA brings so much use and the utilities are very helpful for myself and others coming to FATDOG from outside. I will create a FATDOG SAMBA addendum document (to @jamesbond 's HTML page) for elementary FD users and this command would be used within.

You guys are great!

Re: Some FATDOG issues: How to address

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 10:01 pm
by step

@Clarity, just curious, have you tried "Control Panel > Network > SMB Browser" to find samba shares?

Re: Some FATDOG issues: How to address

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 10:08 pm
by Clarity

Thanks @Step

step wrote: Thu Mar 24, 2022 10:01 pm

@Clarity, just curious, have you tried "Control Panel > Network > SMB Browser" to find samba shares?

Yes, but have you ever tested the SAMBA 'findsmb' utility. It is a mainline SAMBA utility and its performance is near instantaneous.

Give it a try to see it; if you have a PUP running/QEMU; aka Slacko64/FossaPUP64/etc. And it is really easy to understand. Have used these SAMBA utils for years.

BTW: findsmb does NOT take anything away from the clever 'SMB browser'. FINDSMB Is just really simple, REALLY FAST, and straightforward for instant knowledge of where you local LAN smb hosts reside; not to mention some/many people are familiar with it.

Re: Some FATDOG issues: How to address

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 10:25 pm
by step
Clarity wrote: Thu Mar 24, 2022 10:08 pm

Thanks @Step

step wrote: Thu Mar 24, 2022 10:01 pm

@Clarity, just curious, have you tried "Control Panel > Network > SMB Browser" to find samba shares?



but have you ever tested the SAMBA 'findsmb' utility. It is a mainline SAMBA utility and its performance is near instantaneous.

Give it a try to see it; if you have a PUP running/QEMU; aka Slacko64/FossaPUP64/etc. And it is really easy to understand. Have used these SAMBA utils for years.

I just tried it on Fatdog.

Code: Select all

# findsmb

---------------------------------------------------------------------     ROUTER        *[        WORKGROUP     ]

BTW: findsmb does NOT take anything away from the clever 'SMB browser'. FINDSMB Is just really simple, REALLY FAST, and straightforward for instant knowledge of where you local LAN smb hosts reside; not to mention some/many people are familiar with it.

I believe you, thanks for sharing.

Re: Some FATDOG issues: FD's SAB+SAMBA+GRUB2

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2022 12:32 am
by Clarity

THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR ANY DEVELOPMENT. It is shared, here, as an idea to make things in our home LAN easy to find by their names.

BTW: the output of this command can be placed in the system's host file /etc/hosts such that LAN resources can be accessed on the local PC by the LAN PC's hostname rather than using the IP address. This is just another idea of using the output from 'findsmb'.

So for example, if a simple "hosts file update" script exist, it could use the findsmb output for additional benefit.
# cat /etc/hosts localhost FATDOG_PC ROUTER

Thus, if a simple utility added the output to the hosts file, a command like
mount -o password=woofwoof //ROUTER/NAS /localPC_mount-point is an easier thing to remember versus a hunt for the IP address to mount the resource. (YES, I know the router does not have a user or password of 'woofwoof', but you get the idea, I'm sure)

Thanks to EVERYONE, here, for assistance and understanding.

Re: Some FATDOG issues: FD's SAB+SAMBA+GRUB2

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2022 1:10 am
by Clarity

Skip the idea for hosts file update. My view, after thought, is my idea for a utility to update is flawed in shortsightedness: good for a one-time after boot, but sustaining, well ...

Re: Some FATDOG issues: How to address

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 5:23 pm
by JakeSFR
Clarity wrote: Thu Mar 24, 2022 8:59 pm

SAVEFILE Argument Builder error
This leads to a problem that could/should be addressed in 'Savefile Argument Builder', where a drag-drop of the Sessions folder to the app does NOT yield an acceptable recommendation in the field below it in the utility. The error/bug is shown in this picture.

It's not an error. SAB simply doesn't know anything about multisession, only about savefiles and savefolders. It supports only a subset of all available savefile= boot options.
So, when you DND a folder into it, it assumes it's a savefolder and correctly assembles the appropriate boot arguments.

Anyway, I've added auto-detection of multisession, since it seems to be quite popular.
Attached. I feel it's on the verge of being confusing, but let's give it a try...


Re: Some FATDOG issues: FD's SAB+SAMBA+GRUB2

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 11:25 pm
by Clarity

Thanks @JakeSFR .

  1. I downloaded and replaced the existing 'builder'.

  2. Should the DND OF /mnt/sda7/Sessions yield a parm of savefile=direct:device:sda7:/Sessions/? It is still showing the parm, same as the old savefile-argument builder.

Savefile Argument Builder.png
Savefile Argument Builder.png (40.49 KiB) Viewed 1159 times

Re: Some FATDOG issues: FD's SAB+SAMBA+GRUB2

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2022 9:28 am
by JakeSFR

@Clarity: note the 3rd point in the new builder: "3. Drag your savefile, savefolder or SFS into this box".


Re: Some FATDOG issues: FD's SAB+SAMBA+GRUB2

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 7:04 am
by Clarity

Thanks @JakeSFR, I did see that update.

Two question for creating the 'correct' argument:

  1. Should the Multisession folder's base or the other folder within "/Sessions" be the one the user must drag to "3." field?

    Sessions-Folder.png (54.13 KiB) Viewed 1123 times


  2. Or should FATDOG searching the /Sessions contents be enough for FD to find the available sesssion(s)?

Thanks in advance for your helping. @Jamesbond has indicated on an earlier thread on a different issue of some text changes for this utility.

Thanks, again, muchly.

Re: Some FATDOG issues: FD's SAB+SAMBA+GRUB2

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 3:34 pm
by JakeSFR
Clarity wrote: Wed Mar 30, 2022 7:04 am

Thanks @JakeSFR, I did see that update.

Two question for creating the 'correct' argument:

  1. Should the Multisession folder's base or the other folder within "/Sessions" be the one the user must drag to "3." field?Sessions-Folder.png.

  2. Or should FATDOG searching the /Sessions contents be enough for FD to find the available sesssion(s)?

Thanks in advance for your helping. @Jamesbond has indicated on an earlier thread on a different issue of some text changes for this utility.

Thanks, again, muchly.

Neither, just drag one of the SFSes, as the instruction states.

Btw, attached a new revision: the savefile argument was incorrect when an SFS was in the top-most directory.


Re: Some FATDOG issues: FD's SAB+SAMBA+GRUB2

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2022 8:23 am
by Clarity

Final testing on use of Savefile-Argument-Builder utility

It currently is NOT building a correct string for Multi-Session FATDOG use: The string that works for FATDOG to find the Multi-session saves that are contained in the Sessions folder is as follows:

  • savefile=ram:device:sda7:/Sessions/

  • savefile=direct:device:sda7:/Sessions/

The Builder is not containing the folder in the REQUIRED "/" and instead builds an incorrect savefile=ram:device:sda7:Sessions which does not work for FATDOG to find the contained multi-session files.

Thus for multisession, the Builder needs to be updated to build correctly.

Edit: Next utility TEST shows this: Which IN FACT WORKS also!!! Before I was ONLY dragging the folder; namely ONLY ...Sessions to its field in the utility which created an incorrect sting. BUT, if I drag one of the Multi-session files to the field, instead, the result is this savefile=direct:multi:sda7:Sessions/Sessions. This parm yields the same behavior that the working parms I show.

Re: Some FATDOG issues: FD's SAB+SAMBA+GRUB2

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2022 10:39 am
by JakeSFR

The correct command for multisession is multi, not device.
If it worked for you with the latter, it's probably by some weird coincidence...

Also, when you drag a folder, you'll get the correct argument, but for a savefolder.

Ok, so the final conclusion is that it works, right?


Re: Some FATDOG issues: FD's SAB+SAMBA+GRUB2

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2022 7:06 pm
by Clarity

The utility does yield a correct boot parameter. Thanks 'eversomuch' for your guidance and resolutions in use of this utility and the parm needed for correct FATDOG ability.

And, in review of what you have done and what was also offered, earlier, manual use of either of the following works giving FATDOG instructions of where its "Multi-Session" info resides: as such, either will work! 2 Examples of the parms for finding FATDOGs sessions at boot time are:

  • savefile=direct:multi:sda7:Sessions/Sessions - from use of the utility

  • savefile=direct:multi:sda7:/Sessions/ - from an earlier correct recommendation

User, like myself, will prefer 'ram' vs 'direct'... both sub-options achieve proper session management.

Finding session files is much better understood.

FATDOG is excellent!

Re: Some FATDOG issues: FD's SAB+SAMBA+GRUB2

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2022 7:18 pm
by JakeSFR

Great, thanks for testing!

One more revision, though.
I analyzed the system init script and it turned out that in addition to ...:multi:<dev>:... parameter, also ...:multi:device:<dev>:... and ...:multi:uuid:<uuid>:... constructs are accepted.
That info is not present in FAQ.
So, in the current revision only the last two are being produced, since the first one (multi:<dev>) is just a shorthand for the second one (multi:device:<dev>).
