PeasyWif1 ver 4.5 on Bionic64:
We were successful in getting connected via PeasyWifi using peap to my daughter's school's enterprise Wifi authorization setup!
I did have to talk the IT manager through setup over the phone, but mainly for minor issues -- he had tried it on his own but lost program access because of an accidental switch to desktop 2 with the PWFi screen open on desktop1. Once we figured it out and switched back to Desktop1we could continue with Peasywifi.
Other small usability issues: I had started a new PEAP profile in advance, and had filled in as much info as I could, but did not know the exact configuration details or passphrases needed. We tried to edit that profile over the phone, and the first "intuitive" method of doing that was wrong: in the opening Peasywifi screen we selected the profile we wanted to edit, then clicked on the config button at the bottom of the screen. This opened the file, pwf.conf, in a text editor. However, pwf.conf wasn't the configuration file we wanted to edit. There was no way of actually opening that other config file in this tab, even though we chose the file we wanted in the dropdown list.
Instead, we decided to give up and create a new profile from scratch. So we clicked the Profile tab at the top of the screen, and filled in relevant details. For PEAP there was a slight bit of confusion because it actually needs two passphrases, but there was space for only one. Also most of the PEAP details are actually entered via a text editor in the config file AFTER you click the Make button. I knew this, but it wasn't obvious to an inexperienced user unfamiliar with this network manager. I told the IT manager to enter anything in the passphrase section because we could change that later.
Then we hit Make, and then hit Check. Check opens up the directory where the profiles are stored. We could see all of the created profiles there, including the one we had wanted to edit earlier. I told the IT manager to click on the new profile to open it in a text editor, which he did. He was then able to enter all of the needed specs and credentials, and save the file.
We then switched to the Connect tab, and chose the new profile. He hit connect, and PeasyWifi successfully connected.
We then went to the Auto tab, selected the new profile, and then hit On. After that, to protect the credentials, we went to the Encrypt tab, again selected the profile, and entered a PIN. I explained that the PIN didn't matter because if any changes were needed in future, a new profile could be created. Also, I couldn't explain how to use the PIN to unencrypt a profile anyway. He entered a PIN and then hit Encrypt. Done!
A small change to make it more user intuitive, I'd suggest that the Config button at the bottom of the Connect tab screen actually open the selected profile in the dropdown rather than always opening pwf.conf. Or, at least opening the /etc/pwf/ directory to show all available profile config files. (That last action is the same as the Check button in the Profile screen performs. But I think opening the actual selected profile in the text editor would be better.)
The Check button itself is non-intuitive to use on a pre-existing profile, other than one just made, since its button is located below lines of new profile parameter entry, and adjacent to the Make button. You often need to check a file that has already been made, and there actually doesn't look like there is a path to get there. Check is usable for that because it opens a directory, not the file just made, but not obviously so.
Anyway, the program works, and those are the only suggestions I have re. user feedback.