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WINDLE - Wordle for windows 3.1/16-bit.....runs perfectly under WINE
Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 1:45 am
by mikewalsh
Evening, gang.
I don't know how many of you are into word games.....specifically this recent thing "Wordle".
A website called has developed and ported a version of Wordle - called 'Windle' - specifically to run on the 16-bit software that was a feature of the early days of Windows 3.1. ... of-wordle/
Because it's designed for such old hardware, it will probably run under pretty much any version of WINE. Here, I have it running with WINE 'staging' v5.11, one of the AppImages over at GitHub which trister found for us:-
The web article can be found here:-
Running it is a piece of cake. Download the 32-bit tarball from the link at the bottom of the page. Unzip it, then - in the manner of a PortableApp which can be run from anywhere outside the ~/.wine 'prefix' - move the whole directory anywhere you like.
[Directory contents:-]
Finally, just click on WINDLE.exe to launch it.....and after a few seconds, it should appear. It runs flawlessly, too..!
Have fun!
Re: WINDLE - Wordle for windows 3.1/16-bit.....runs perfectly under WINE
Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 1:33 am
by mouldy
I have had WINDLE installed since you posted. Great little game and if you have pretty much any WINE it works. Wouldnt install WINE just for it, but if you already have WINE, yea. Nice little time waster.
However there is a native linux wordle-like game called WARBLE. This is a PITA to get working. No DEB packages. They are heavily pushing flatpak version for UBUNTU variations (and everybody else) and frankly its ENORMOUS by time you get all its supposed support installed. To be fair full blown Ubuntu probably has most of that bloat already, but its insane for Puppy and other smaller distributions. There is however a native rpm for Fedora 35. I downloaded it and converted it to a deb with alien. Then after bit effort had all dependencies installed (thank goodness for apt) until got to where it informed me that it needed newer libc6 version. Since I was playing with Debian Dog Bookworm this morning, tried letting apt install libc6 and it upgraded it and yes I can now run WARBLE. Thought bookworm debian probably was new enough and it was. Is it better than WINDLE, meh, not really. Little slicker presentation and choice of difficulty levels, but anyway it does run at least on a dog. Now not being a particular masochist for stupid little game I didnt download them to look, but there were two other versions WARBLE for Fedora, least one older so it maybe more Puppy friendly. Whatever that flatpak nonsense is just insane. Considerably bigger download than most Puppies/Dogs in their entirety. Just for stupid little imitation wordle game. Better to install WINE than that flatpak version.
Re: WINDLE - Wordle for windows 3.1/16-bit.....runs perfectly under WINE
Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2022 10:25 am
by muggins
Hello Mouldy,
there is a tcl version of wordle, by Frank Bannon here, which seems to run, but I can't work out how to use it! If you think its OK it shouldnt be too hard to bundle it as a tclkit of the order of 2Mb.
Re: WINDLE - Wordle for windows 3.1/16-bit.....runs perfectly under WINE
Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 9:23 pm
by mouldy
muggins wrote: Sat Aug 20, 2022 10:25 am
Hello Mouldy,
there is a tcl version of wordle, by Frank Bannon here, which seems to run, but I can't work out how to use it! If you think its OK it shouldnt be too hard to bundle it as a tclkit of the order of 2Mb.
Ok the online version plays ok, though why oh why did they pick green and yellow colors so close to each other. Anyway I downloaded the file, made it so it could run and added a words.txt word file. You have to modify the game so it knows where to look for this file. It wont automatically look in /usr/share/dict directory. Ok it plays, same crappy colors as online version, and unfortunately if you dont guess the word, it wont tell you. Well not on the gui. If you start it via terminal then on the terminal it will tell you its word #706 or whatever in the word list. Then you can go manually open word list and see what it was. But really?
Lets say this is almost there but still a work in progress.
Re: WINDLE - Wordle for windows 3.1/16-bit.....runs perfectly under WINE
Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 10:15 pm
by Trapster
Bash, 45 lines of code.
Code: Select all
words=($(curl -s $url | grep '^\w\w\w\w\w$' | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'))
actual=${words[$[$RANDOM % ${#words[@]}]]}
if [[ $1 == "unlimit" ]]; then
while [[ $guess_count -le $max_guess ]]; do
echo "Enter your guess ($guess_count / $max_guess):"
read guess
guess=$(echo $guess | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]')
if [[ " ${words[*]} " =~ " $guess " ]]; then
guess_count=$(( $guess_count + 1 ))
for ((i = 0; i < ${#actual}; i++)); do
if [[ "${actual:$i:1}" != "${guess:$i:1}" ]]; then
for ((i = 0; i < ${#actual}; i++)); do
if [[ "${actual:$i:1}" != "${guess:$i:1}" ]]; then
if [[ "$remaining" == *"${guess:$i:1}"* ]]; then
printf "\033[30;10${color:0:1}m ${guess:$i:1} \033[0m"
printf " [${left}]\n"
if [[ $actual == $guess ]]; then
echo "Please enter a valid word with 5 letters!";
echo "You lose! The word was $actual"
Re: WINDLE - Wordle for windows 3.1/16-bit.....runs perfectly under WINE
Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 11:58 pm
by mouldy
Trapster wrote: Tue Aug 23, 2022 10:15 pm
Bash, 45 lines of code.
Code: Select all
words=($(curl -s $url | grep '^\w\w\w\w\w$' | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'))
actual=${words[$[$RANDOM % ${#words[@]}]]}
if [[ $1 == "unlimit" ]]; then
while [[ $guess_count -le $max_guess ]]; do
echo "Enter your guess ($guess_count / $max_guess):"
read guess
guess=$(echo $guess | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]')
if [[ " ${words[*]} " =~ " $guess " ]]; then
guess_count=$(( $guess_count + 1 ))
for ((i = 0; i < ${#actual}; i++)); do
if [[ "${actual:$i:1}" != "${guess:$i:1}" ]]; then
for ((i = 0; i < ${#actual}; i++)); do
if [[ "${actual:$i:1}" != "${guess:$i:1}" ]]; then
if [[ "$remaining" == *"${guess:$i:1}"* ]]; then
printf "\033[30;10${color:0:1}m ${guess:$i:1} \033[0m"
printf " [${left}]\n"
if [[ $actual == $guess ]]; then
echo "Please enter a valid word with 5 letters!";
echo "You lose! The word was $actual"
I changed first color from 22 to 12. So letters in correct position are now red. Seriously some of us are partially color blind and need serious contrast. Second this url link for word list requires one to be online. So since I already had the word list from previous tcl wordle, I swapped file:///usr/share/dict/linux.words/words.txt for the online link. Only other critisism is that when one wins, all that happens is they all show same color and you get back to command prompt. No fireworks or even a 'you won, good for you',
But yea this is great for 45 lines bash code. It plays fine. Oh and on any of these using an external list, the difficulty depends a lot on your word list. That word list I found can be quite challenging. I mean lot words that mostly exist in some Scrabble dictionary. Not just everyday words. So keep that in mind when picking a list.
Re: WINDLE - Wordle for windows 3.1/16-bit.....runs perfectly under WINE
Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2022 10:36 am
by mouldy
Ok changed correct placed letters to red2. By way here are colors in TLC/TK:
Yea I have no idea what a "yuchi" is, down to last guess and used wordhippo. This was only choice that fit.
Re: WINDLE - Wordle for windows 3.1/16-bit.....runs perfectly under WINE
Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2022 10:54 am
by mouldy
Oh, here is example of bash wordle by Trapster.
Re: WINDLE - Wordle for windows 3.1/16-bit.....runs perfectly under WINE
Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2022 11:07 am
by mouldy
Oh while I am at it, this is what warble looks like.
Re: WINDLE - Wordle for windows 3.1/16-bit.....runs perfectly under WINE
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 3:16 pm
by lmemsm
I've been searching for Wordle and similar games written in C. Here are two I've found that I've been able to build from source code:
Still looking for other simple C based games like these.