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FATDOG Savefile Argument Generator Utility

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2022 11:08 pm
by Clarity

I think of this utility as very useful for FATDOG users who run into some minor issues on Reboots of FATDOG after saving their sessions. This utility does exactly what it is designed to do.

It's wording was recently improved by a FATDOG developer.

I am offering, via this post, a mere wording that could be clearer for newbies. The wording supports the top line of the utility where it mentions "bootloader".

This recommendation is in support of the Info in the FATDOG Primer, an excellent, easy to read, document. No development change is its operation...merely text cosmetic in the dialogue for clear user guidance.

SAvefile Builder.png
SAvefile Builder.png (69.41 KiB) Viewed 419 times

It suggests an offer to replace the lines as shown; namely replace with

Code: Select all

Update your "bootloader" with this argument

and with

Code: Select all

Copy and paste this to the "linux" or "kernel"
line in your bootloader's grub.cfg/menu.lst file.

For a syslinux.cfg file, add it to the "append" line


Re: FATDOG Savefile Argument Generator Utility

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 4:22 pm
by jamesbond

@Clarity, thanks for the suggestion.
We will use your wording, perhaps slightly modified.