Your most favourite PS1 (.bashrc related)
What's your most favourite PS1? I have got
Code: Select all
PS1="\e[1;32m\u@\H\e[0m:\e[1;34m\w\e[0m\$ "
In .bashrc which is equivalent to user@host:[output similar to pwd]$ .
Discussion, talk and tips
What's your most favourite PS1? I have got
Code: Select all
PS1="\e[1;32m\u@\H\e[0m:\e[1;34m\w\e[0m\$ "
In .bashrc which is equivalent to user@host:[output similar to pwd]$ .
Code: Select all
Changes color (almost) every time terminal is launched.
@user1234 :-
Okay. Enlighten the less-well-informed amongst us, if you would?
What is a "PS1"? I always thought it referred to the Sony Playstation One.....
@mikewalsh Look at your /root/.bashrc and you will see something like :
Code: Select all
. /etc/profile
#v1.0.5 need to override TERM setting in /etc/profile...
#export TERM=xterm
# ...v2.13 removed.
#export HISTFILESIZE=2000
#export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups
#...v2.13 removed.
PS1="\[\e]2;\w\a\e[32m\]$USER\\$ \[\e[0m\]"
# enable Pkg 1.9.22 TAB completion
. /etc/bash_completion.d/pkg 2>/dev/null
Notice the line with PS1=
, this will determine how the prompt in a terminal/console will look.
Color |
Code |
Black |
0;30 |
Blue |
0;34 |
Green |
0;32 |
Cyan |
0;36 |
Red |
0;31 |
Purple |
0;35 |
Brown |
0;33 |
To make the color brighter replace the 0; with 1; like ->
Code |
Color |
Green |
0;32 |
Bright Green |
1;32 |
These are some more codes ->
\u: Display the current username
\h: Display the hostname
\W: Print the base of current working directory
\$: Display # (indicates root user) if the effective UID is 0, otherwise display a $
mikewalsh wrote: Tue Mar 01, 2022 2:05 pm@user1234 :-
Okay. Enlighten the less-well-informed amongst us, if you would?
What is a "PS1"? I always thought it referred to the Sony Playstation One.....
I've kept in the subject (.bashrc related) so that confusion doesn't happens, but it still does.
PS1="\[\e]2;\w\a\]# "
shows the current working directory as window title
Code: Select all
PS1="\[\e]2;\w\a\]\\$ "
@rockedge :-
Except that jrb's 'lite' spin on Barry's old Quirky64 April 7.0.1 - where I've been all day - doesn't actually HAVE this "PS1" line. Which explains why I couldn't work out what you were on about.
EDIT:- Hm. I see Bionicpup64 has this:-
Code: Select all
PS1="\[\e]2;\w\a\e[34m\]$USER\\$ \[\e[0m\]"
So why not Quirky64...? Curious. Does this normally exist in every .bashrc?
(Remembering, of course, that the 'Quirkies' were BK's original 'test series' after stepping down, where he was trying out all kinds of weird & wonderful ideas. Including moving stuff to novel locations, or altering the way things actually functioned...)
@mikewalsh Go on and add it in! Should do the trick in Quirky as well
Code: Select all
PS1="\`if [ \$? = 0 ]; then echo \[\e[0m\]0\[\e[0m\]; else echo \[\e[0m\]1\[\e[0m\]; fi\` \w # "
shows present working directory and either 0 or 1 to indicate exit status of a command
mikewalsh wrote: Tue Mar 01, 2022 2:05 pmWhat is a "PS1"? I always thought it referred to the Sony Playstation One.....
Just spit on these all sorts of bash and forget about them Launch the DuckStation emulator, which perfectly emulates PSX-PS1.
My most favorite PS1 is Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Parasite Eve is in second place
You can have a play here:
...and save the settings if you're happy.
Added @Grey line and his Fossa ascii file. Btw Grey, Resident Evil for PS is good
Down in the thread
You can point directly to someone's post by copying link from post headline or that small icon before "by" word.
Oftopic is getting bigger However, the previous two links are incorrect. Here it is. However, I wouldn't call it a PS1
I'm thinking how to depict a jellyfish in Ascii. I can remember the wordplay... and depict fruit jelly and fish. But somehow I don't want to
I was bored with my current PS1, so tried to copy the one that Kali uses (I suppose it does, though haven't used KaliLinux):
Here's the code:
Code: Select all
export PS1='\e[1m\e[32m╭──(\e[34m\u@\h\e[32m)-[\e[37m\w\e[32m]
╰─\e[34m\$\e[0m '
Enjoy !
another one borrowed from KLV-HyprlandCE ->
Code: Select all
# Bash prompt
\e[1;35m\u\e[0;37m@\e[2;37m\h\e[0;37m: \e[0;36m\w
\e[1;34m=> \e[m'