I've been using this script since 2013, but recently I pimped it up by adding free/used bar to drive icons, in addition to free space info in tooltips.
Note that it shows the bar only if the drive/partition is mounted and contains an actual filesystem (so no LUKS).
I didn't want to make it an integral part of ROX Drive Icons subsystem in Fatdog, because it's non-essential and uses additional resources (polling).
Also, it was way easier to write it as an external add-on.
But still, it's useful, especially if you're notoriously low on free space, like me.
How to use it? Download the attached archive, extract the script, put it in ~/Startup folder and click it.
To stop it: killall fsbar4roxdrv
and then refresh your drives by right-click -> Redraw all icons.
If you don't like the colors, you can customize them directly in the script:
Code: Select all
# user settings
INTERVAL=5 # in seconds
FREECOL='22cc22' # color for free space (rrggbb)
USEDCOL='cc2222' # color for used space (rrggbb)
FREEMSG="Free:" # message for available space in tooltip
# end user settings
Have fun &