debian and devuan 32 bit woof-ce puppies

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debian and devuan 32 bit woof-ce puppies

Post by wanderer »

hi all

since ubuntu and others have discontinued 32 bit support
and peebee has indicated he will not be making any further ubuntu 32 bit editions
he has noted that in the future debian and devuan will be the bases for 32 bit deb based woof-ce puppies

would it be a good idea to have a section in the official area for all debian and devuan puppies
i note only stretch is listed

also what is the stautus of woof-ce debian and devuan 32 bit development

would it be a good idea as greengeek has suggested that debian and devuan
be used as the base for a long term puppy repository

this might make it easier for everyone to build 32 bit puppies
since each piece (pet) would already be finished by contributors

it would also make puppy less dependent on changes in the major distros

it would also be a good way to make sure that unique puppy ideas are recognized and included
i for one am not even aware of most of the unique puppy parts
since they are scattered around the forum

i think that as long as firefox keeps making 32 bit editions
32 bit distros will continue be useful
since the main components that need to be updated are the browser and media player

i only use 32 bit distros since i have had a lot of problems with 64 bit
and for just running a basic system i have not seen any advantages in 64 bit

your thoughts on this anyone ?

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Re: debian and devuan 32 bit woof-ce puppies

Post by Trobin »

I think that switching to 64 bit only is to abandon those that still use 32 bit computers.
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Re: debian and devuan 32 bit woof-ce puppies

Post by darry19662018 »

Pfeco has also built a Devuan AscII build as well as the Beowulf build, some are in english.

Pfeco built Pups: ... 22pfeco%22

I would like to highlight the Debian Bullseye build which includes 32bit.
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