mystic change of defaultbrowser after altering Fossapup64(solved)
Hello all
Since many days | some weeks I'm looking for the reason of a mystic change of /usr/local/bin/defaultbrowser.
Seen maaaanyyy files, didn't find the place, where it gets changed .
What I had done:
- Taken Fossapup64-9, did some changes in the puppy...sfs, most optical things, all went good.
- for the whish, to have seamonkey as the one and only standardbrowser, I had put puppy...sfs and adrv...sfs together in one single sfs,
(unsquash puppy...sfs in a directory tree, then unsquashfs adrv...sfs over that,
mksquashfs of that in puppy...sfs and put in the bootdir a empty file adrv...sfs)
What now is the problem:
now, while that Fossapup is booting, the content of /usr/local/bin/defaultbrowser got changed
from [#!/bin/sh (lf) exec /opt/seamonkey/seamonkey -P StandardBenutzer "$@"]
to [#!/bin/sh (lf) exec defaultbrowser "$@"],
that results in endless looping of calling 'defaultbrowser',
with every call of defaultbrowser, a additional endless loop starts, wich calls himself.
What I found until yet:
-- the change happens in a backgrounded task - first tests showed a change while xorg gets configured,
but boot with 'nox' the xorg-things didn't get started, the defaultbrowserfile gets already changed.
-- its not a clear command which includes something like ... > /usr/local/bin/defaultbrowser,
I have checked all files starting from '/', if they have '/usr/local' or 'default' in it,
looked every match for 'able to change file defaultbrowser' = nothing.
and yes, also checked the dirs /adrive and /pdrive, which gets copied to /usr/bin while booting.
-- in /etc/init.d and /etc/rc.d(/ scripts get started, I have changed that scripts to log in a tempfile,
and checked that tempfile after boot, seen many things happening, but for my mind nothing of that could
change the defaultbrowserfile - but at such a place the change must be written.
Does anyone know something about the automatism of setting up /usr/local/bin/defaultbrowser,
and can give some hints, where that can happen ?
Maybe a script, which simply will show a help out of internet, checks before that for a usable content of 'defaultbrowserfile'?
Thanks a lot for any help - Eastler
P.S: forgot to write: All that is for a 'live' puppy, every time I wrote 'booting', it means it is a 'FirstBoot' of puppy