Abiword for QuickPup64_22_x
I have made this AbiWord PET file for QuickPup64 because I have not found it in the repositories or anywhere else.
Basically it is a copy of the file abiword-3.0.4-x86_64-xenial.pet with some modification.
There are people who do not like Abiword but I with so much time seeing it in the different distributions of
puppy I have appreciation.
I have not found any apparent bug at the moment, but if I found it trying to solve it.
This is pet file:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/ec3tbtll ... 4.pet/file
And this the necessary libraries for it to work.
https://www.mediafire.com/file/vbjv367z ... 4.pet/file
Tested them in QuickPup64_22.01-beta-4 and QuickPup64_22.01-beta-1 and it seems that they work well.
If someone find it interesting who wants to put it in you repository.