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RawTherapee - a RAW photo editor, packaged in Puppy-portable format - 64-bit only

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 1:04 pm
by mikewalsh

Afternoon, gang.

Here's one for the serious photography enthusiasts among you. RawTherapee is a fully-featured RAW photo editor; more for those who like to really manipulate every last aspect of their image data than, say, DarkTable.....which is more for beginners to this 'black art'. Seems many cut their teeth with the latter, then migrate to the former, having learnt their craft.....

As released, it's a standard AppImage. The 'Puppy-portable' treatment keeps all config files & stuff self-contained within a single directory, sym-linking everything into position at run-time, and removing it again at close. This nicely addresses the one beef I have with my favourite portable format, that of leaving loose config files all over the place whenever you move from one OS to another.....which also necessitates having to set everything up again!

I'm not going to try & describe all the available features. Suffice it to say that those of you who play around with this stuff will know what to expect; my level of photography boils down to using 'instant' cameras & the like..! :D I tend to investigate such apps with an eye to using the more esoteric features in a design capacity, rather than for anything else.

If anyone likes the sound of this one, you can find it here, at my a/c:-

As always - d/l; unzip; move anywhere you like, preferably outside the 'save'. Click to enter, click on 'LAUNCH' to fire it up. Scripts allow adding a Menu entry if required; the "MenuReadMe" explains how this works.


Mike. ;)

Re: RawTherapee - a RAW photo editor, packaged in Puppy-portable format - 64-bit only

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2024 2:36 pm
by zhanghui

Thanks for sharing! very useful info.
RawTherapee software is a very powerful, free and easy to use for RAW editing, but it is quite slow at exporting.

Re: RawTherapee - a RAW photo editor, packaged in Puppy-portable format - 64-bit only

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2024 3:07 pm
by sonny

:welcome: @zhanghui!