Compaq Desktop
AMD Athlon 64X2 Dual Core Processor 4000+
2 gigs of RAM
1280x1024 video
Bionic Puppy 64-8.0 uefi
Installed on 15 gig Lexar Flash Drive
2-4 gig swap file (I increased it twice and can't remember which size I did last.)
1 gig of RAM
Downloaded OS last week & burned it to a DVD on a different faster laptop.
OK, I have three issues while utilizing Puppy. Actually, I had four but resolved one as it is now pretty clear that it was a hardware issue.
First, when I open Chrome and touch my keyboard for anything it crashes. However, it works as long as I DO NOT try to type anything in the address bar. Yes, I have looked for a solution but they weren't clear or I would have to pull my own teeth to make it work. There has to be a simple fix since this seems to be a known issue. Yes, I like Chrome a lot AND NO I am not interested in debating why I shouldn't like Google or Chrome. I also like Opera and have downloaded it but I prefer Chrome as I use their ecosystem for many things.