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Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2021 9:34 pm
by don570

I checked if SuperTuxKart-1.3 will play on Fatdog64 and it does!!!


Download ... bit.tar.xz

You can extract it anywhere but I suggest /opt

There is run script inside. Use the terminal to launch this script and app will launch.

Re: SuperTuxKart-1.3

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 3:30 am
by jamesbond

Thanks @don570 for the info and testing. SuperTuxKart is a nice game, I played version 0.9, 1.0, and 1.1 with my kids. I'm glad they continue to develop it and I'm gladder that the build still works on Fatdog64. Kudos to the team who spends the effort to make their binaries as distro-independent as possible. As opposed to these guys :roll:

Re: SuperTuxKart-1.3

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 4:34 am
by wiak
jamesbond wrote: Mon Dec 27, 2021 3:30 am

Thanks @don570 for the info and testing. SuperTuxKart is a nice game, I played version 0.9, 1.0, and 1.1 with my kids. I'm glad they continue to develop it and I'm gladder that the build still works on Fatdog64. Kudos to the team who spends the effort to make their binaries as distro-independent as possible. As opposed to these guys :roll:

Off-topic, I know, but it is painful about Okular, because honestly it can do something no other pdf program can do that I know of - allow you to draw lines (rows and columns) onto the pdf display of tabular information such that cut and paste in spreadsheet obeys these new rows and columns according to the lines you drew - this is hugely powerful table processing. I don't know of any other program to do this. But yes, so many kde libs and so on makes okular a huge app to install - alas our business processes flow relies on its functionality thus far. I know there are other ways to process cut and pasted tables from other pdf programs into spreadsheet (the spreadsheet program itself allows Data processing, but that is not so easy as just drawing lines where you want them in okular...).

Okular is not so good for editing pdf text as say Masterpdfeditor, for example, which is surprising. Otherwise since I need that special table translate ability of Okular I'd probably ditch Masterpdfeditor (old version).

As for Supertuxkart, I've been a fan for many years and my family use networked multiplayer mode often (and via VirtualGL with vnc to speed graphics processing up greatly on behalf of our slower machines which can't handle higher version openGL hardware acceleration at all themselves).