I've been trying to avoid this because:
(a) I don't like over-writing boot-loaders and
(b) It requires that a newbie do some manual stuff.
But this is what we know:
You have a partition on your hard-drive formatted (now) Linux Ext3.
You can boot into Fossapup64 on your USB-Stick, albeit that setup employed Ventoy so did not decompress the Fossapup64 ISO;
That version of Fossapup64 is functional.
You have the grub2 bootloader on your hard-drive, albeit it's config file is named lickgrub.cfg.
1. Boot into your Fossapup64 on the USB-Stick. Just above the taskbar will be desktop icons for each of the drives and partitions your system can access. Hovering the mouse over each will show its size and formatting. Left-Click the partition on which you want your Fossapup64 to be located on.
2. When the window opens, Right-Click an empty space and from the pop-up menu select New>Directory. Give it a name such as 'fossa64'. Left Click that folder to view its contents (currently none) and leave it open.
3. Your USB-Stick also has a desktop-drive icon above the taskbar. Probably the one on the far right. Maybe named sdb1. Use hover, per above, to identify it if in doubt. Left-Click it to open a window to its contents. Look for the Fossapup64_9.5.ISO. [I don't know if Ventoy created 2 partitions on the USB-Stick: If so, check both. Left-Clicking a folder opens a window to its contents, including folders it contains. Left-Clicking the UP-Arrow on Rox's toolbar takes you out of a folder up to its 'parent' folder where you can see the folder you just left as a folder.
When you find the Fossapup64 ISO, Left-Click it to mount/open it so that you can see and access its contents. You'll see several files including the following:
fdrv_fossapup64_9.5.sfs > This may not be there; It's in mine, but I may have added it
Left-Press, HOLD, then drag each of those files from its window into the folder I referred to a 'fossa64' in Step 2. From the pop-up menu, select copy.
If you see a file or folder named fossapup64save DO NOT copy it, yet. That's where the changes you make are stored. It is currently being used and can't be accurately copied when in use. Once you have Fossapup64 running from your hard-drive you can copy it over to its folder.
You now have Fossapup64's base system files on your hard-drive. There are a couple ways to get a boot-loader onto your hard-drive which boot into it AND Windows. There are two I recommend:
The easy way:
While still running Fossapup from your USB-Key, download grub2config from here, viewtopic.php?p=29703#p29703. The previous instructions had you do the 'manual install' that mentioned. Left-Click the pet to install it. Initially it will only be in RAM (not included in your SaveFile/Folder) but you can activate it by:
Menu>Exit>Restart-x (AKA Graphical Server). Fossapup will re-catalog what makes up its system, taking into consideration even those applications only in RAM. Then run it from Menu>Setup>Grub2 Bootloader Config.
Its First GUI will offer two places to locate its files. The first will be your hard-drive. Click its radio-button if not already selected. The 2nd choice would be your USB-Stick.
Grub2Config will examine all the drives (hard-and-USB) attached to your computer and present a GUI something like this:
- grub2config's 2nd GUI.png (36.29 KiB) Viewed 1399 times
You'll want to select sda1 as its location and UEFI boot loader if your computer has that (I don't). Grub2Config should then write a new boot-loader and a grub2config file to sda1. As you can see from grub2config thread it will create a grub.cfg file offering the choice to boot into either fossapup64 OR Windows 10.
The hard-way::
You already have a grub2 bootloader. It's config file is named lickgrub.cfg and it doesn't have a listing for your fossapup64 on your hard-drive. You should be able to edit it. Using the instructions given above for file-browsing into and out-of folders, examine what fossapup64 sees as sda1. [I don't have a setup using LICK; so can't be specific]. It may be in a folder named 'boot', or a folder within that folder. You can edit it to read as follows:
menuentry 'Fossapup64 9.5 '{
search --no-floppy --set=root --fs-uuid YOUR HARD-DRIVE'S uuid
linux /fossa64/vmlinuz psubdir=/fossa64b pmedia=ataflash pfix=fsck
initrd /fossa64/initrd.gz
To obtain your hard-drive's UUID, open a terminal and type the command:
You'll get a read-out something like this:
- blkid output.png (80.53 KiB) Viewed 1399 times
From the above, you can see that the 3rd partition --the one on which my Puppys are located--is identified as UUID="39ff128d-806e-45a0-9c0c-4013859ec05d"
So, the second line of my grub.cfg reads:
search --no-floppy --set=root --fs-uuid 39ff128d-806e-45a0-9c0c-4013859ec05d
Make sure you pick the right UUID. If in doubt, mount/open each partition using the desktop drive icon and remember on which 'sda' partition the 'fossa64' folder was on.
I don't recall if Fossapup64 came with lxterminal. If not, use Puppy Package Manager to install it and use it to enter the 'blkid' command. You can cut & paste text from its window into your text editor and vice-versa.
Not important at this stage. First let us know if you were successful. If not, tell us in detail, what you observed..
If you are successful, you will notice that the 'linux' line above includes the argument pmedia=ataflash. By default it will read pmedia=atahd. Ask about the difference.
Once you've been able to boot into Fossapup64 on your hard-drive, you can:
1. Boot into it.
2. Plug in your USB-Key.
3. Copy your SaveFile/Folder from your Key to the fossapup folder on the hard-drive; and reboot.