USB Performance -Recent Experience

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USB Performance -Recent Experience

Post by Clarity »

For the VERY 1st time, I have 2 USB storage units that match the manufacturer's performance claim.

Purchased during Black Friday sales and testing this week using CrystalDiskMark in Win10 and a couple Linux methods. They are

  • SAMSUNG T7 at 300MB/sec

  • And a Chinese knockoff stick at 200MB/sec.

Both of these are advertised as USB 3.2 units, but for the 1st time the units match manufacturer claims. They were tested on my HP AIO connected to its USB 3 ports.

This beats all of my prior USB storage units tests where NONE of my sticks or cards have matched manufacturers claims. Most have been below 9MB/sec while couple exceeded that slightly, Thus, the measured performances of all 22 sticks and sdcards collected over the years are sub-par. My spinning disks USBs, all, outperform all of my sticks, ENORMOUSLY, over the past decades.

These are my measurements. Hope your performance measures have exceeded my testings.

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Re: USB Performance -Recent Experience

Post by backi »

@Clarity wrote:

SAMSUNG T7 at 300MB/sec

And a Chinese knockoff stick at 200MB/sec.

That`s damn fast.

How much Bucks?

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Re: USB Performance -Recent Experience

Post by Clarity »

Hello @backi
$90 (ca) f/Samsung Portable SSD T7 500GB

The knockoff cost me $29 f/128GB

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Re: USB Performance -Recent Experience

Post by mikewalsh »

@backi :-

If you ever want to test any of these USB drives per 'speed' capabilities, you could do worse than use the DriveSpeed! drive-speed 'tester' I knocked together earlier this year.


I got the idea for it from Barry's EasyDD utility, which I re-assembled as a portable utility a couple of years ago; amongst other things, during the 'dd' write process it opened up a wee terminal window, just a few lines in height, showing an on-going, real-time speed indicator of how well the drive was performing. I did some digging, and discovered it wasn't too hard to use that bit by itself, so I put together what was always intended to be a portable utility. Keep a 'master' copy of it somewhere safe, then whenever you wanted to test a drive's performance, copy it across to the root of that drive.....and just run the tests. It was designed to run 'in-situ', making use of the 'readlink' trick I use in every other portable app I've assembled.

Fred and stemsee got in on the act later in the thread, and came up with new GUIs and all sorts of ideas for differing displays, multiple drive selectors and all kinds of extra things. The final v4 is certainly more "full-featured", but I still prefer the charming 'simplicity' of the earlier v2.1..... :D

Just a suggestion, like. Clarity knows about this one, because he commented on it quite early during its development.

Mike. ;)

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Re: USB Performance -Recent Experience

Post by backi »

Hey @mikewalsh !

That`s a really fine/cool App :thumbup2:
Did not know about.
I like these Sort of nifty Apps..... since i am not much a "Terminal Guy".

Thank you very much :thumbup:

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