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Puppy Package Manager(PPM) only downloading not installing
Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2021 12:32 pm
by bigpup
Raspup 8.2.1
When I use the PPM in it.
It seems to download what I select, but it does not install it.
If I go to root directory, the different .deb packages, PPM downloaded, are there.
To actually install them. I have to individually click on each deb package, to install.
This PPM is V2.5
I see reports by people about this version having all kinds of issues.
Anyone know how to roll it back to the well working PPM older version?
Re: Puppy Package Manager(PPM) only downloading not installing
Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 10:09 pm
by April
In my xenialpup64-7.5 a file called "" exists in /usr/local/petget/
Shinobar has been in there and some of his/her coding is a nightmare to follow but It seems to be the program used to do the install.
I guess you have it there if clicking on the .deb works but maybe the file calling it has been lost or corrupted.
The ppm loader is in /usr/local/bin/ppm as a link to /usr/local/petget/ and again its been messed with.
Probably no help though for you.