Easy grub4dos install with concept entries in menu.lst for BusterDog and Bionicdog
Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 5:47 pm
Here's an easy way to install the grub4dos bootloader on HDD or USB, run script "weeinst", attached "grub4dos-weeinstall.tar.gz"
This way you just need to extract or mount the ISO, copy the "live" (Busterdog) or "casper" (BionicDog) folder to HDD or USB e.g. /mnt/sda1 or /mnt/sdb1
Best is to copy it to a parent folder you create with unique name (as in the examples in concept menu.lst "buster_dog" or "bionic_dog")
From Readme-weeinst:
EDIT: Accidentally added the "video=SVIDEO-1:d" parameter, maybe not needed, remove if it's giving problems.
This way you just need to extract or mount the ISO, copy the "live" (Busterdog) or "casper" (BionicDog) folder to HDD or USB e.g. /mnt/sda1 or /mnt/sdb1
Best is to copy it to a parent folder you create with unique name (as in the examples in concept menu.lst "buster_dog" or "bionic_dog")
From Readme-weeinst:
concept menu.lst (as included):Contents of this archive:
- weeinst, script to install grub4dos bootloader
- wee.mbr (for writing the MBR)
- grldr (grub4dos bootloader)
- menu.lst with example entries, see below
- this Readme
Run weeinst for making the drive bootable. Run from terminal in this directory:
E.g. from /mnt/sda1 or /mnt/sdb1
menu.lst included with concept entries for Busterdog, BionicDog, Puppy and Windows.
The entries for savefolder will only work if install is on ext (Linux) filesytem.
Code: Select all
timeout 10
default 0
title Busterdog in buster_dog - changes to buster_dog/live savefolder
root (hd0,0)
kernel /buster_dog/live/vmlinuz1 from=/buster_dog noauto changes=/buster_dog/live
initrd /buster_dog/live/initrd1.xz
title BionicDog in bionic_dog - changes to /bionic_dog/casper savefolder
root (hd0,0)
kernel /bionic_dog/casper/vmlinuz from=/bionic_dog noauto changes=/bionic_dog/casper video=SVIDEO-1:d
initrd /bionic_dog/casper/initrd1.xz
title Busterdog in buster_dog - savefile: /buster_dog/live/changes.dat
root (hd0,0)
kernel /buster_dog/live/vmlinuz1 from=/buster_dog noauto changes=/buster_dog/live/changes.dat
initrd /buster_dog/live/initrd1.xz
title BionicDog in bionic_dog - savefile: /bionic_dog/casper/changes.dat
root (hd0,0)
kernel /bionic_dog/casper/vmlinuz from=/bionic_dog noauto changes=/bionic_dog/casper/changes.dat video=SVIDEO-1:d
initrd /bionic_dog/casper/initrd1.xz
title Puppy Bionic in bpup
root (hd0,0)
kernel /bpup/vmlinuz pmedia=ataflash psubdir=bpup pfix=fsck,copy
initrd /bpup/initrd.gz
title Load BOOTMGR of Windows 10
root (hd0,0)
chainloader /bootmgr