What Puppy version to start with?
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What Puppy version to start with?
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Re: What version to start with?
I'd say the most recent Ubuntu based version would be a good place to start.
http://distro.ibiblio.org/puppylinux/pu ... 0-uefi.iso
Re: What version to start with?
- taersh
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Re: What version to start with?
It will return only a message, saying: "Invalid license file data". I had searched the web for that license file, but no luck at all.
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Re: What version to start with?
I don't know, but it seems that major distros like e.g. Ubuntu will run OBS Studio. Had read some posts at linuxquestions of people using it in Ubuntu. Maybe BionicDog will do?
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Re: What version to start with?
After I managed to update BionicDog to have the OBS-Studio repository added to synaptic plus downloading and installing OBS-Studio, I can say OBS-Studio works in BionicDog. I'm running the 18.04 32bit version. Though at first attempt the system hangs and I had to push the reset button on the computer to reboot.
No message about the "Invalid license file data" appeared.
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Re: What version to start with?
an this one for fossapup64 http://distro.ibiblio.org/puppylinux/pe ... 64_9.5.sfs
fossapup64 viewtopic.php?f=40&t=88
- taersh
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Re: What version to start with?
This SFS has a directory x86_64-linux-gnu which is a symbolic link pointing to /usr/lib in BionicPup64. If moving the libs from this directory to /usr/lib it complains about missing libavcodec.so.58. Repository of BionicPup has libavcodec.so.57 only. I'm sure after doing a symbolic link for it, it will complain about lots of other .so.58 files etc.pp.
Ok, after doing all symbolic links for the missing libs it finally complains about "/lib/libc.so.6: version GLIBC_2.28 not found". So, no chance at all!
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Re: What version to start with?
fossapup64 viewtopic.php?f=40&t=88
- taersh
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Re: What version to start with?
Godspeed and good luck!666philb wrote: Wed Aug 12, 2020 10:49 pm @taersh i'll have a look into getting one working for bionicpup64

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Re: What version to start with?
What operating system(s) do you currently have running on your computer? or any computer? Bionicpup64 (almost all Puppies) downloads as an ISO. You have to install it/them to a USB-Key where it/they will happily boot-from. See this post, viewtopic.php?f=2&t=339.jazzdad52 wrote: Wed Aug 12, 2020 6:15 pm Thanks again, I clicked on the link you gave me, and downloaded it. Where are the instructions for setting it up? It is on my C: drive, I want to run it from a USB drive, my laptop doesn't have a CD drive.
But, I recommend that you create a bootable-puppy on one USB-Key, then use it to follow big-pup's instructions here to install Puppy to a 2nd USB-Key using Frugalpup-installer. See this thread, viewtopic.php?f=105&t=337
By the way, although Bionicpup64 has problems with the most current build of OBS-Studio, OBS- starts right-up. Just download it from here, https://bintray.com/probono/AppImages/O ... 2.14#files by left-clicking its listing. After it downloads, Right-Click it, select properties, and place "Xs" in all boxes in the Exec column. Move it where ever you like. After you've made it executable, it will start by Left-Clicking it.
- taersh
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Re: What version to start with?
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Re: What version to start with?
It probably won't work for jazzdad52. But finding out will only take a couple of minutes. For me, it opened but that's as far as I could go without spending a lot of time to figure out how to use an application for which I don't have any immediate need.taersh wrote: Thu Aug 13, 2020 12:05 am The AppImage doesn't work for me. Error message is: Speicherzugriffsfehler (in EN probably: Memory access failure)
Getting back to the other question, booting into any Puppy see bigpup's post here. viewtopic.php?p=528#p528
Re: What Puppy version to start with?

- mikeslr
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Re: What Puppy version to start with?
This may seem convoluted, but I think it's the easiest way to locate a Puppy with all its potential on a USB-Stick starting with a Windows 10 computer and boot-able from that computer. You'll need two USB-Sticks. The first one can be small --8 Gbs. Its just to get any Puppy version running which can run on a computer employing UEFI without your having to jump thru hoops.jazzdad52 wrote: Thu Aug 13, 2020 3:23 am Thanks for all the help, I am using Windows 10, someone asked. I used puppy a lot 15+ years ago, just loaded on a CD and booted with it... Seemed much easier then" It was. Microsoft's insistence that computer's employ UEFI threw a monkey-wrench into doing things simply. "but since I didn’t keep up with it, I need to start over and learn it all again.... Next few weeks I’ll get Puppy going, when I’ve had time to relearn how to do it.
1. Install rufus into your Windows 10. https://rufus.akeo.ie/ rufus does one thing, and does it well: 'burns' ISOs to USB-Keys.
2. Download any Puppy ISO which identifies itself as being capable of booting from a computer employing the UEFI boot-mechanism. bionicpup64-8.0-uefi.iso from here, http://distro.ibiblio.org/puppylinux/pu ... onicpup64/ is one. dpupbuster64-8.0.0-uefi-RC-3-09082020.iso from here, https://sourceforge.net/projects/dpup/f ... o/download is another. Note the "uefi" designation in their names. I used dpupbuster64 as an example because I think I chanced upon a post which indicated someone had OBS-Studio running under it.*
3. Plug in your USB-Key, then run rufus selecting the iso.
4. Don't forget to enter your computer's setup to give booting from USB-ports priority.
5. Boot into your Puppy on a USB-Key.
6. Plug in your 2nd Key. Note carefully what label it is assigned when it appears on your desktop.
7. Open Menu>System>gparted and reformat the 2nd Key to create 2 partitions: an initial small Fat32 partition. Bigpup suggests 300 Mbs. https://forum.puppylinux.com/viewtopic.php?p=1887#p1887. Format the balance as Linux Ext3. Don't forget to set the 'boot flag' on the 1st partition. Exit gparted.
8. Here's a step I think worth taking to avoid a slight difficulty mentioned on the Frugalpup-Installer thread, https://forum.puppylinux.com/viewtopic.php?p=1588#p1588 which I suggest you fully read. Using Frugalpup-installer it will offer to install your Puppy to a folder which, if absent, it will offer to create. This Step creates it so that you don't have work with Frugalpup to do so. After gparted exits your newly formatted key will display two partitions. Left-Click the 2nd partition to mount it. Then Right-Click an empty space, select New>Directory and give it an Unique name. I like short names: e.g. bionic or buster.
9. Download and SFS-Load Frugalpup-installer. See the first post of the Frugalpup thread for instructions.
10. Follow the rest of bigpup's instructions from the link in Step 7. Perhaps the attached screenshot will make things clearer. First you'll click the "Puppy" Button which will run a module to write the ISO's files to the folder you created on the 2nd partition. When it's finished you click the "boot" button to install the boot-loader to the 1st partition. The reason for not just sticking with the install by rufus is that rufus creates one Fat32 partition with all the restrictions booting from a Fat32 partition has. With this recipe you have your Puppy booting from a Linux Ext3 partition with all the flexibility that provides: one thing in particular being that you can create a SaveFolder on a Linux Ext3 partition. Works like a SaveFile, but has no size restriction. It will expand to all the available space on its partition if you need it to. You never have to worry about resizing or exceeding the available space.
You can keep the 1st Puppy on a USB-Key to create other USB-Puppies or do anything else. Or, if you ever decide to create space on your hard-drive for Puppies, you can re-use it just as a boot-loader: Plug in the boot-loader USB-Key and boot Puppies; unplug it and boot Windows. Never have to worry about over-writing your Windows Boot-loader and accidentally locking yourself out of Windows.
* Found the post, https://forum.puppylinux.com/viewtopic.php?p=1628#p1628
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Re: What Puppy version to start with?
I think you'll find Josejp2424's DPupBuster64 will run it OK, too. I have it set-up there; no licence message appears when it fires-up. As far as I can tell, it's working as it should:-
http://oldforum.puppylinux.com/puppy/vi ... p?t=116615