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New Posts

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 9:40 am
by nic007
I know there is a quick link for new posts (since ones last visit I suppose) but it would be nice if those new posts can be shown in a different colour on the main page perhaps. I do use the new posts quick link almost everytime I visit but then generally also check the full main page anyway. On the old forum it was a one click operation to access new posts ie. posts since last visit (and the link to new posts was shown on the main page and could be accessed with one click), now one has to choose from a list.

Re: New Posts

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 11:45 am
by wiak
Are you referring to the fact that subforums need to be clicked on before new posts become visible? That is true, but it becomes a balance of how big the main page is allowed to be without it being too long... Subfolders compress that hierarchy, but with that disadvantage. The old forum only used subforums for the Additional Software section so did have the advantage that new posts were otherwise immediately visible - I think the current structure put together by rockedge has considered that issue. It's a compromise situation with no perfect answer unfortunately. Users just have to get used to clicking on subforum title they are interested in and then they see the most recent posts for that subforum.

I don't myself know if there is a subforum title color-code that can be used to indicate a subforum has a new topic answer or not.

Re: New Posts

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 4:11 pm
by Flash
Nic007, instead of New posts under Quick links, try Unread posts. This will show a list of forums with posts that you haven't read yet. Maybe that's what you want. You'll have to click the View last post symbol to see the latest post. After you've gone through the list to see if there's anything you're interested in, click Mark all read above the top right of the list.