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"Nuclear" - a Spotify alternative in 'portable' format

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 2:03 am
by mikewalsh

Morning, gang.

I came across this one when perusing something totally different on, and decided to take a look at it.

I've never used Spotify; I'm not the type to upload all my music to the cloud so I can stream it anywhere I want. However, this thing allows you to "discover" music from numerous on-line sources - including Musicbrainz & Bandcamp - and will also allow access to iTunes, I guess, if you have an account there? Whatever.....

It seems to work rather well. Just about everything I typed into the search bar came back with a hit after several seconds of searching, so in that respect it appears to do what it was designed to do. I can't really judge as to its similarity to the Spotify desktop client, but this one is built around an Electron-based AppImage, so was relatively easy to package.

You'll have to try it out for yourselves, and form your own opinions on it. Be warned; it seems to do nothing for quite a while after hitting the 'LAUNCH' script, so just be patient.....I guess it's checking, & establishing various different network connections before the GUI appears.

One small peculiarity; it won't close from the "X" in the top corner. You need to close it from the tray icon in the notification area.....rt-clk, then "Quit".


Anyone who might be interested can find it here:-

64-bit only, I'm afraid, as so many things are these days. As usual; d/l; unzip; place it anywhere you like, preferably outside the 'save'. Click to enter, click on 'LAUNCH' to fire it up. Scripts permit adding a Menu entry if required.....the 'MenuReadMe' explains how to use these.


Mike. ;)