How do you install mysql using puppy package manager?
Does anyone know how to install mysql using puppy package manager?
Discussion, talk and tips
Does anyone know how to install mysql using puppy package manager?
What specific Puppy version you using?
I see there has been no response.
I found it damn hard to get anywhere on Puppy with a database install of any type .
It just does not want to work for me some weird reason.
I;ll follow along for sure if someone helps you to actually achieve that .
The best i have found and used on Puppy is the sfs load of Libreoffice and use the database and query language there.
There seemed to be two versions available a 5.4 and a 7 .
The 7.1 won't load at all on my xenialpup64-7.5 . The 5.4 version does seem to work but I have not tested it properly.
Under Documents in the menu is an item supposedly to download the latest version of Libre Office with a choice of stable or latest. I chose the stable and sat there for 5 minutes with no feedback whatever . It might have been downloading but you wouldn't know it .
The clot who dreamt that one up didn't bother to tell the user what is going on so thats a useless approach too.
You get a message that says its going to download a deb file and install it but I found nothing was being downloaded for me .
Nethogs in a console just gave me the open opera browser downloading its usual data and no others.
I have not done it on Xenial64 in a while.....let me set one up and I'll install MySQL and or mariaDB and I'll write about how I did it.
On the old forum I am pretty sure I did a how-to on a Xenial32 involving MySQL, Apache2 and PHP5 then PHP7. But let me start by asking how new of a version of mysql to you want to install? Easiest would be using the one in Xenial's PPM repos.
basic outline (this can be run as root as well)
1 PPM install mysql-server
2 in a terminal adduser mysql
3 in a terminal initialize mysql with mysql_install_db
4 in a terminal mysqld -u mysql &
5 in a terminal mysql_secure_installation
main tip is to check that all of the directories (such as /var/run/mysqld) exist after install.
This is a script version installing mariaDB (from one of my zoneminder Puppy Linux installers)
Code: Select all
# # create the user for the mysql server
adduser mysql -D
# install the mysql server and intialize it
pkg add mariadb mariadb-server
# create run time directories and set the correct permissions and ownership
[ ! -d /var/run/mysqld ] && mkdir /var/run/mysqld
chown -R mysql /var/run/mysqld
sleep 2
mysqld &
sleep 2
echo "Make sure that NOBODY can access the server without a password"
# Make sure that NOBODY can access the server without a password
mysql -e "UPDATE mysql.user SET Password = PASSWORD('admin') WHERE User = 'root'"
# Kill the anonymous users
mysql -e "DROP USER ''@'localhost'"
# Because our hostname varies we'll use some Bash magic here.
mysql -e "DROP USER ''@'$(hostname)'"
# Make our changes take effect
echo "Finished stage 1. mariadb is installed"
Damn ! Guess you pushed me to give it another try @rockedge
okay after using the mariadb-server script.
How do you get started using sql in the terminal?
To reach mysql via the terminal, start the command line interface with ->
Code: Select all
mysql -uroot -p
enter the root user password and now it is ready for commands and SQL syntax.