The MOST Modern of ALL date

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The MOST Modern of ALL date

Post by Clarity »

FEDORA has been announced.

I indicate it as the most modern as it has

  • Wayland

  • PipeWire

  • NTFS in the kernel (via patch)

  • GTK4

These 3 elements combined OOTB in a single distro, alone, moves it ahead of the other mainstream distros, for now. This puts them almost into the future, per se, of all the mitigating hardware issues that these 4 components will be addressing over the next few years, IMHO. Thus, it is baked into the Fedora base.


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Re: The MOST Modern of ALL date

Post by April »

Y'know when I started into Linux back in the late 90's early 00's Fedora was the worst ,most ill conceived distro I came across. The only thing that had a chance of working was the rpm and that was a ways along the track. File permissions and root access were a bloody joke . The user HAD to be protected lest they damage something ,so, all useability was lost to ensure the user did nothing bad.

I don't think I would ever go there again unless there was a VERY ,VERY good reason to do so. They are now run by IBM .

Thank heavens Barry came along around the same time.

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Re: The MOST Modern of ALL date

Post by rockedge »

We could always compile a "huge" kernel for Puppy Linux (with AUFS supported) with the NTFS support enabled.

I've experimented with Pipewire on WDL-Void-xfce4 and WDL-Void-jwm, I should try to compile Pipewire with a Fosspup64 specifically built with woof-CE without the ALSA support and see what happens.

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