.....and ANOTHER portable video-editor : Cinelerra-GG in Puppy 'portable' format : both 32- & 64-bit
Evening, gang.
This one will be the final video-editor - out of those I like - to receive the 'portable' treatment.
Cinelerra has been packaged, over the years, by many Puppians, but invariably, whoever has performed the honours has never been able to prevent the thing from misbehaving when you attempt to do anything with it. The simple act of loading a video file has often seemed to be beyond its abilities here in Puppyland.
The mainline Cinelerra project - originally founded by developer Adam Williams - has wandered off in different directions via one fork or another over the years, including the CV (community version), and HV (another community version, with much longer release intervals), but in recent years has morphed into one pretty stable build-line.....Cinelerra GG. (GG was originally a merger of CV & HV code, but in later years became its own separate project, with its own website and repositories.....GG was "Good Guy" Bill Morrow, who was credited with rescuing a slowly decaying, aimless project - sadly killed in a bicycle accident last November.)
All 3 of these 'projects' are in fact still under active development, though it's Cinelerra GG "Infinity" that's getting the lion's share of coverage these days, due to its being a rolling-release model, and possessed of regular monthly updates.
Bill's partner, Phyllis Smith, still contributes where she can, and a new contributor has been making frequent, regular updates.....so there's still hope for the project to get to where it intends, that of creating a native Linux video-editor to rival the best the rest of the world has to offer. Cinelerra GG "Infinity" is, in my opinion, a good step of the way there already; the thing is still recognizably Cinelerra in layout, but operation is almost UNrecognizable compared to older variants.....everything now works properly, efficently and predictably.
There's a 714-page PDF 'handbook' available, to make sure you get the very best out of it:-
https://cinelerra-gg.org/download/Cinel ... Manual.pdf
The main website is here:-
Unless it's in a distro's repos, it's now only available as an AppImage.....my favourite format. So, I've built my usual 'portable' set-up around it, keeping config stuff "in-house" - sym-linking it out at runtime & removing them again at close - and giving the user the ability to add a Menu entry if required.
(One nice feature about Cinelerra GG is that it doesn't rely on a window manager's libraries for its appearance, instead using its own, specialist built-in libraries.....thereby guaranteeing conformity of appearance across the Linux ecosystem, and not suffering a broken interface, for instance, because the GNOME devs have decided to remove something else.... )
There IS a 32-bit AppImage available, but I've had no joy at all getting this to function, always wanting so many additional deps it would take forever to set it up. The 64-bit build, however, fires up as good as gold under Xenialpup64, Bionicpup64 and Fossapup64. Two AppImages are available; one built against cutting-edge very newest kernel, glibc and deps, and another against somewhat older versions of everything (yet both still the very newest release). So you can, I think, guess which version we're using here, yes?
(Using the 'newer' compile would confer absolutely no advantage, since both use exactly the same code. This way, it works with more Pups.)
If anyone's at all curious, you can find it here:-
One wee peculiarity of note. When you first load a file, the loading 'bar' completes, and nothing actually happens. Go back into the Menu; this time, click on 'Load Recent'. You'll find your file, and this time, everything shows up...
Don't ask me why....
See what you think of it. Feedback would be appreciated. Enjoy.