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How to check external NTFS drive for errors with Slacko?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2021 9:34 pm
by kuman11

Do u know of any utility for checking an external ntfs hd for errors from a Puppy, Slacko 7.0 in particular or else?

Re: Fossapup User Contributed Packages

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2021 1:50 am
by williams2

BionicPup64 has ntfsfix

You can find the device name for the external drive by typing fdisk -l

It might be sdb2 or sdb1 or sdc2 or ...

You can check for file system errors without fixing anything by typing (use the correct device name):
ntfsfix -n /dev/sdb2

You can automatically repair errors by typing:
ntfsfix /dev/sdb2

ntfsfix is not as capable as Windows chkdsk.exe.
it would be better to use ms Windows to fix the file system.
There are no guarantees using ntfsfix.