[SOLVED - credit to @bigpup ]
Hi Everyone,
I'm new to Puppy Linux, but eager to using it on my 12 years old laptop, since from what i've heard its very least demanding on H/W specs.
I've tried Zorin, Linux Mint, Lubuntu, Bionicpup, and finally decided this distro, because in live mode my laptop is fully functional (mouse, display, wifi, usb, speaker), and manage to run and join meeting in Zoom smoothly.
However, when i tried to install on HD (linux only, no dual boot), it seems i messed up with gparted, and ended up with no boot partition. Therefore i can not boot from HD. Also, spesifically for Lenovo S-205, i found that the Lenovo IdeaPad S205 has some issues with the Bootloader and Firmware.
Previously my OS is windows 7.
Is there anyway i can get the tutorial and step by step correct installation, begin with gparted, flags, filesystem, etc.
Thank you.