P3X 'OneNote' - a Linux port of M$ OneNote, in 'portable' format...
Morning, gang.
Now; some of you just might conceivably be interested in this. I investigated yesterday, after we had somebody ask about this in the Linux & Unix section over at BleepingComputer.
https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums ... on-ubuntu/
One of The-Toolman's links pointed me to this.
It's an Electron-based, Linux 'port' of the Microsoft 'OneNote' app. It gives you the ability to connect to your Microsoft cloud accounts, so you can retrieve/work on stuff you may be using on other M$ platforms. Very much like the way that Evernote works.
Apparently, it's possible to download the Microsoft installer for this and run it under WINE. I tried that; it's a PITA to get working correctly! This seems to be a far better proposition for those of us who still use Windoze for a certain amount of stuff, and may have documents/notes, etc, still stored on OneDrive. Like so much Electron-based stuff, for us here in Puppyland, by & large it more often than not just "works".
So; there ya go!
Since you probably don't want M$ stuff installed permanently in Puppy, I've built this in my standard 'portable' format. The config stuff ('profile') is created, then sym-linked out to the expected location at runtime, being removed again at close. D/l; unzip; put it anywhere you want.....preferably outside the 'save'. There's the option to add a Menu entry, should this be required.
Anyone who might be interested, you can find it here:-
Hope it's useful for some of you. Enjoy.