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Xenialpup boot error : no such device initrd.gz

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2021 2:50 pm
by vin

I am dual booting Lubuntu and Xenialpup64 7.5
Xenialpup is frugal installed.
There is no separate folder for initrd, vmzlinuz etc.
(exact structure is as per screenshot attached).

In /boot/grub/grub.cfg, I have added menu entry like this -----

Code: Select all

menuentry 'Puppy xenialpup64 CE 7.5 [666philb]' --unrestricted  --hotkey='x' {
   search --file --set root --no-floppy initrd.gz
   linux /vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash pfix=fsck psubdir=/
   initrd /initrd.gz

While booting, it shows message ---

Code: Select all

"error: no such device   initrd.gz
press any key to continue

On continuing, it proceeds smoothly.
But why it may be showing the error?
Can anybody pl. help on it.


Re: Xenialpup boot error : no such device initrd.gz

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2021 3:17 pm
by Jafadmin

Just comment out that 'search' line. I don't think you need it in that stanza:

Code: Select all

menuentry 'Puppy xenialpup64 CE 7.5 [666philb]' --unrestricted  --hotkey='x' {
#   search --file --set root --no-floppy initrd.gz
   linux /vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash pfix=fsck psubdir=/
   initrd /initrd.gz

Re: Xenialpup boot error : no such device initrd.gz

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2021 3:25 pm
by vin

@Jafadmin Thanks. It worked. :thumbup:

Re: Xenialpup boot error : no such device initrd.gz

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2021 3:42 pm
by bigpup

I assume the grub.cfg is the one that got made when Lubuntu was installed.
You are adding to that one.

This is not a proper frugal install of Xenialpup64.

A frugal install is all of the files that are in the Xenialpup64 7.5 ISO (But at minimum, all the files you have installed), placed inside a folder/directory named xenialpup6475 or similar name, based on the Puppy version name.

Example using your boot menu entry:
If all the files from the ISO are in /xenialpup6475/
It would be this:

Code: Select all

menuentry 'Puppy xenialpup64 CE 7.5 [666philb]' --unrestricted  --hotkey='x' {
   search --file --set root --no-floppy 
Linux /xenialpup6475/vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash pfix=fsck psubdir=/xenialpup6475/
initrd /xenialpup6475/initrd.gz

In your grub.cfg entry you have this line:

search --file --set root --no-floppy initrd.gz

Having that initrd.gz could be causing warning issue.
I see no reason to have that in this line.

If you make the grub.cfg the way I say.
The psubdir= probably is not needed, but no harm if it is there.

Re: Xenialpup boot error : no such device initrd.gz

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2021 3:51 pm
by vin

@bigpup thanks for your reply.
Before posting this thread, I had moved all of the files into a separate folder, altered menu entry as you mentioned and rebooted.
It booted but created a separate fresh savefile (in addition to the earlier savefile system).
So again reverted to original state.

(pl. advise me how do I repair the "bugged-up" frugal install).

Re: Xenialpup boot error : no such device initrd.gz

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2021 4:01 pm
by bigpup

If you make the xenialpup folder.
Put all the xenialpup files into it, including your old save.
Do the first boot with it.
It may see the old save and just use it.
If not.
Do the following things.

Best to do this save swap, booted into Lubuntu or Xenialpup booted not using the save.
If done while running Lubuntu.
After making change.
All you need to do is shutdown Lubuntu and boot Xenialpup.

Well you could have deleted the new save and moved the old one into the xenialpup folder.
Making it's name the same as the new one you made.
Just do not make a new save if asked.
With the old save in the xenialpup folder it should be seen and used.

The thing that gets in the way after a save is made in a new install.
A information file is made, telling the boot process, where the save is, and it's specific name.
This info file is made when the save is made.

Re: Xenialpup boot error : no such device initrd.gz

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2021 4:16 pm
by vin

Will do that and post feedback tomorrow. (Living in different time zone :-)

Re: Xenialpup boot error : no such device initrd.gz

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2021 6:38 pm
by rcrsn51

I suspect that your "search" line needs a slash: "/initrd.gz".

Re: Xenialpup boot error : no such device initrd.gz

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 5:39 am
by vin

@bigpup It worked as you said. Thanks.

@rcrsn51 I had tried "/initrd.gz" earlier, but no effect. Anyways, now it is all right. Thanks.