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How to write a bug report

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 8:12 pm
by williwaw

Writing Bug Reports
adapted from Allan Odgaard ... ug-Reports

Before reporting a bug try first reverting to default configurations

A bug report should contain these 4 things:

1. Steps to reproduce: Give detailed steps on how to reproduce the problem.
Start from scratch (e.g. “1. Create a new document, 2. Change language to Ruby, 3. …”).
Explicitly mention every action or step you have taken, and how you invoked it
Keep the number of steps to a minimum.

2. Expected result: It’s important to include the result you’re expecting, as it might differ from how the program was designed to work.

3. Actual result: This is also important, since it’s possible that following your steps on a different system doesn’t reproduce the issue

4. Environment: This includes:

  • OS version

  • application version

  • other possibly relevant information (for example, if you’re seeing graphics artifacts )