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Updates to FossaPup64 after installed

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2021 2:06 pm
by goltrek

I always do update any Linux distribution after installing.

On FossaPup64 9.5 I did the first update by PPM.
Menu / Setup / Puppy Package Manager.
Go on tab " Update database" and click on "Update Now".

Is it also possible to update by Quickpet?
Menu / Setup / Quickpet
is the same function as Puppy Package Manager?


Re: Updates to FossaPup64 after installed

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2021 3:53 pm
by Feek

Hello @goltrek

The two locations you mention will update different stuff.

1. Quickpet->info->Fossapup updates - these updates are "for the system" (install latest updates and bugfixes) and this is controlled by 666philb the developer of Fossapup.

2. Puppy package manager updates - this will update the database of packages. E.g. you want to install some app without PPM updated, then you may have installed an older version. After update, a newer version of the app may be available in the repository.

Re: Updates to FossaPup64 after installed

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2021 5:38 pm
by bigpup

Just to add about Quickpet update feature.
First boot Fossapup and shutdown making a save.
The save provides a permanent place for the changes.
Now boot using the save.
Do the Quickpet update.
Shutdown making sure to update the save.
Now boot using the save and Fossapup is now running using the updates.

Get out of the idea that you need to constantly update Puppy Linux.
If it is not broken there is no reason to update.

The Fossapup Quickpet update was a way for 666phlib to fix stuff he left out of the released Fossapup64 9.5.iso
About all the updates needed are now provided by this.
Do not expect much, if anymore updates, in the future.

Re: Updates to FossaPup64 after installed

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2021 5:41 pm
by goltrek

Hi Feek

Thanks for the explanations.
Get a good understanding of the difference.
Puppy makes it a lot easier for users for updates.

Re: Updates to FossaPup64 after installed

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2021 6:06 pm
by goltrek

Hi bigpup

Thanks for the tip.