@JASpup :-
I have a whole range of different launch methods..!
Obviously, there's the main launcher icons on the desktop. Then, there's all the Menu items.
On top of these, I keep an entire bunch of 'standard' launchers in the QuickLaunch area, to the left of the JWM 'tray', beside the Menu button.....always the same items, from Puppy to Puppy. I also keep a bunch of 'standard' launch icons in the notification area, over to the right, near the clock. Fredx181 & musher0 between them figured out a way to use YAD to place icons here which, when clicked upon, will launch an item.
One of these is what I call my 'Right-click Utilities' icon. When right-clicked, this brings up a sub-menu with a list of launchers to various utilities.
Besides all that, there's also a few icons on the desktop, as I mentioned in the other thread, which, when clicked upon, will launch a ROX window with a few grouped desktop launchers in each one, sym-linked from their respective locations in /usr/share/applications. One of these will launch all my screen-capture apps. Another will launch all my webcam apps. A third keeps all my video-calling apps neat & tidy. And so on...
As if all that wasn't enough, I've built my own alternative to JWMDesk, which I've called 'PuppyDeskApps'....complete with launcher 'splash screen', and credits notice! This uses mainly standard Puppy commands, along with two special 'Reset' buttons, that will reset the PuppyPin desktop icon file and /root/jwmrc 'Menu' file in the rare event of them going AWOL. Hasn't happened since I've had this new HP tower, but it used to be a regular occurrence with certain Pups on the old Compaq tower.....
[Desktop - Click to enlarge:-]
And also, I have a few 'hidden' icons grouped around the CPU/graphics logo, middle-right of the screen. These are dragged onto the desktop as normal, then 'hidden' by using a transparent PNG icon... Plus, a quick 'PowerGUI' launcher at the very far right-hand end of the tray.
[...and Extras. Click to enlarge:-]
Enough 'launch' methods, I think, to satisfy even the fussiest geek! I see all this as something of a "showcase" for the many different desktop 'tweaks' we can apply to the JWM/ROX-filer combo.....which just goes to show how extremely versatile Puppy can be.