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China restricts online gaming time for children to three hours a week

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2021 9:20 am
by one

China has introduced regulations that restrict children under 18 to just three hours of online gaming each week, one hour max each day. ... ming_time/

"Every generation of teenagers will have their own games. Online games are interactive, immersive, emulated, easy to operate, and naturally more attractive. Minors are still in the stage of physical and mental development, and their self-control ability is relatively weak. They are prone to overuse online games and even become dependent."


Re: China restricts online gaming time for children to three hours a week

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2021 11:20 am
by bigpup

We do that in the United States.

However, it is not the government control, but the parental control :shock: :!:

I, as the father or mother, of a child under the age of 18, have the power. :shock:

We are not afraid to use it!!

A little tough love!

Re: China restricts online gaming time for children to three hours a week

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2021 1:49 pm
by rockedge

I also used parental control. I relied heavily on Linux beginning in 2006 (Suse) already replacing Windows on a machine that sat on my son's desk because without the root user's password no software packages "to chat" could be installed. So my kid from around age 10 used Linux at home primarily.

No smart phones at the time kept the path to "chat rooms" limited to one narrow one at home.

I just found it much easier to control what went on with that machine using a Linux operating system and it ran faster, smoother and was rock solid stable.

Now he is a computer engineer working for Deutsche Telekom.

Re: China restricts online gaming time for children to three hours a week

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2021 5:15 pm
by Grey

It seems to me that we are talking about a mass phenomenon. An example of a number of parents who have harnessed the indomitable spirit of their children will not work here. Much depends on who the parents are by convictions, profession, etc. More and more often, news from different countries comes that children even rush at their parents with a knife or fists, if they take away their internet, computer, smartphone.

In Asia, the problem is particularly acute. It is not difficult to understand the Chinese government. On the one hand, more than a billion people need to be engaged in some kind of business. On the other hand, people increasingly want to play games, not work :) But how can this be controlled at the state level? Children can download the game in advance (not online, but still), say that they are going to their friends to do their homework, but in fact they will play the game.

A typical problem in industrialized countries. We have built, we have built, we have carried out great projects, and then it is as if a fuse blows and there is relaxation :)

Today, September 1, the largest IT companies in Russia (Kaspersky Lab, Yandex, etc.) signed an agreement to create the Alliance for the Protection of Children in the Digital Environment.

The goal of the Alliance is "to create a favorable and safe digital environment for children, which would provide an opportunity for professional and creative self-development, as well as socialization in the virtual space."

What?! What the hell... But a beautiful wording for "you need to somehow spend budget funds."

Re: China restricts online gaming time for children to three hours a week

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2021 7:03 pm
by williwaw
one wrote: Wed Sep 01, 2021 9:20 am

China has introduced regulations that restrict children under 18 to just three hours of online gaming each week, one hour max each day.


The regulations therefore allow online gaming companies to serve minors for only three hours each week – from 8pm to 9pm on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Gaming companies have been ordered to enforce registration strictly – using players’ real names – not to try getting around regulations with temporary accounts or trials, and warned that failing to comply will have severe consequences.

do you suppose the companies will be rewarded if they serve gamers outside China to excess?

Re: China restricts online gaming time for children to three hours a week

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2021 10:05 pm
by Clarity

Parental Control, Corporate Control, Government Control ... there is no 'right' answer to rearing the young. There NEVER has been!

The technology is there and it WILL get used in some fashion or another by the 'minds' of human awareness.

In my youth, the ONLY way I was able to compare my gaming skills was against the posted scores on pin-ball machines. This was done outside of the scope of peering eyes. The same elements of control existed back then.

So to me, there is NOTHING new in these announcements...except the times we exist in TODAY. ;)

Re: China restricts online gaming time for children to three hours a week

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 1:35 am
by Grey
Clarity wrote: Wed Sep 01, 2021 10:05 pm

In my youth, the ONLY way I was able to compare my gaming skills was against the posted scores on pin-ball machines.

I also remembered my youth. Summer evening, a park of culture and recreation of the town, a round building like a circus and in it Soviet arcade machines... "Graphics" are not very good, but what fantastic sounds they made! Parents could easily control the playing time. The less money they gave, the fewer coins and tokens could be purchased and, accordingly, fewer minutes of the game :)
My favorite machines. Starting from the upper left corner clockwise: Sea Battle, The Little Humpbacked Horse, Sniper, Magistral, Hockey, Gorodki.

Re: China restricts online gaming time for children to three hours a week

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 9:39 am
by one
williwaw wrote: Wed Sep 01, 2021 7:03 pm

do you suppose the companies will be rewarded if they serve gamers outside China to excess?

To weaken the Western civilizations? They already do that all by themselves...


Re: China restricts online gaming time for children to three hours a week

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 10:52 am
by misko_2083
one wrote: Thu Sep 02, 2021 9:39 am

To weaken the Western civilizations? They already do that all by themselves...

Grey wrote: Wed Sep 01, 2021 5:15 pm

A typical problem in industrialized countries. We have built, we have built, we have carried out great projects, and then it is as if a fuse blows and there is relaxation :)

It's a normal life cycle, just like Milanković's cycles: A period of ice age then a period of hot weather, then ice age... and so on.
Empires and civilisations rise and fall.

Re: China restricts online gaming time for children to three hours a week

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2021 3:08 pm
by rockedge

The less money they gave, the fewer coins and tokens could be purchased and, accordingly, fewer minutes of the game

I knew some who got jobs just so they could get more Arcade game time....without having to depend on mom and dad for the coins....beating the system...."hackers" in a sense.

Half of my military career was playing Asteroids on the stand up arcade boxes.

Re: China restricts online gaming time for children to three hours a week

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2021 3:02 pm
by 8Geee

A little late but MHO here...

I have the belief that a great harm is being done to the young people by these wifi smartphones. This occurs on many levels as a multi-pronged attack on the brain/central nervous system. The effects are quite stunning IMHO. Dopamine spikes in the young esentially makes them an "eletronic heroin addict". At young ages under 10 yo this can lead to lifelong social interation problems. Now you might ask where does THAT come from? Generally, GAMING, and social media sites. The two-income family has too much free time for the young, and a smartphone is replacing a baby-sitter. All kinds of trouble can be had when kids are left unto themselves, and there is evidence that this IS occuring. Even that "glow" of the screen and immersion into an artificial world of adventure has a serious effect. Chats with unknown strangers, and interactions, too.

This isn't ultimately much help, here, as the FCC has already doomed it. But, the 3G network as text/phone only would give parents a choice of exposure. That lower 800-900MHz band would be enough. But since the giga-corps won't make "enough" money, the FCC ruled 4G-LTE/5G only prevails. And it comes with a caveat, that aboard a passenger flight, 5G devices have to be turned off as it interferes with controls. So even the FAA is faded to the almighty wifi net.

About the only choice remaining is the hard-wired ETHERNET. Increased security and privacy from a fixed location. Of course, in a "connected" society it doesn't fit, thus there are no RJ45 jacks in an iPad, celphone, or smartphone... nor is there an OPTION outside of a converter.

I do consider the state of wifi affairs to be a mind-controlling chaos-oriented method to subvert modern society. Lets start with the kids... and get them addicted. I have for years called OS's addictive behavior, the disease has spread.
