Using AppImages under Puppy Linux.....
Since we have no idea if or when the Murga-Linux database will ever be merged with this Forum, I'm going to re-create this thread about AppImages here.
AppImages are, as many of you know, an easy, 'portable' way to run apps. They're the Linux world's nearest direct equivalent to Windows' PortableApps. A properly-constructed AppImage has absolutely everything required for it to run, and does NOT need to go off hunting around the host OS to find missing dependencies.
Unfortunately, some less-than-scrupulous developers/packagers seem to think you can just do a direct "rip" of an existing .deb/rpm package.....with the effect that your AppImage still bitches about not finding x, y or z. Which kinda defeats the object, n'est-ce pas?
New guy Shloz has posted this morning about the LibreOffice AppImages. I'll post links for these, and am, for now, going to post a few others:-
Okay. Now, these are all guaranteed to run OOTB in Bionic64...
LibreOffice AppImages -
GIMP builds from aferrero @ Github -
Shotcut video editor -
Blender - This isn't an AppImage, per se, so much as a self-contained 'portable' - ... 64.tar.xz/. That's a direct link; d/l, unzip, enter the resulting Blender directory, and just click on the executable.
LosslessCut - Best video cutter/trimmer I've ever found, both for functionality, and ease-of-use -
Webcamoid - Fun webcam app, along the lines of Cheese (only more so!) -
Stellarium - Needs NO introduction -
Last but not least (for now), Digikam.....the KDE project's photo-organiser. KDE stuff always wants a bucket-full of extras specific to the Plasma desktop. These ARE big packages, no getting away from it - nearly 400MB - but they run OOTB. These are the older 5.9.0 release, from my Google Drive; newer versions just generate segfault after segfault, even in the newest Puppies. I've even had the 32-bit version running in Slacko 570 with a few tweaks:- ... sp=sharing Help yourself to the one you want.
These will get the thread off to a start. If any of you find a working AppImage, for whatever application, and you'd like to share, please add details to the end of this thread. Thanks!