I'll try to include all the relevant facts, Fossapup64, Jackal re-master installed on a HP laptop hard drive.
When I go to back up my pupsave, which is normally about 3.7 GB, it is now 27 GB. I recently changed the permissions on a data directory in the HOME drive which is about 23 GB, so apparently the pupsave-BKP routine is including this data. I have tried to reset the permissions with every option available in ROX, but I think I might have to type my own command, if indeed this a permission issue.
I changed the permissions so that I could use Ungoogled Chromium (which runs as spot) as a doc reader, and so I gave the data directory public access read and write. That worked for Chromium, but now when I set the permissions back to owner read and write, the pupsave is still including it. I may have clouded the issue by initially changing permissions in XFE, then switching to ROX when I wasn't getting the access I wanted.
Thanks for any clarity on this. I'm not real well versed in the nuances of permissions. I had to leave the house with it running a backup to USB this morning wondering why it was taking so long. Got home and discovered the problem.