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no network in fossapup64.

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 2:55 pm
by xenial

I have xenialpup32 installed on my laptop and i have just downloaded and installed fossapup64 on to a usb flashdrive and it boots into fossa ok but unfortunately fossa is not seeing my network wlan interface.It was perfectly fine when i ran fossa the first time and i performed all the usual updates etc.I created a savefile and rebooted and i found my network is not being discovered.
my 32 bit xenial runs fine but fossa is causing an issue.
any ideas please.?

Re: no network in fossapup64.

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 5:28 pm
by xenial

i will have to give up on fossapup64.i cannot get connected.

Re: no network in fossapup64.

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 5:40 pm
by williams2

Update FossaPup using Quickpet. It installs bug fixes, etc.

Except, that won't work if you can't connect.

What Quickpet does, it downloads ...
then it unzips it to /
then it runs /

If you did the updates and it still doesn't work ...
The builtin network wizard didn't work properly, for me, but the updated frisbee does work, for me.

Re: no network in fossapup64.

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 5:52 pm
by xenial

hello williams2.
yes i did all the updates via quickpet and still my interface is not was fine until i rebooted with a savefile.i get back to the desktop and the wlan interface is not being recognised at all.
i am typing here from xenialpup32.

Re: no network in fossapup64.

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 5:59 pm
by williams2

I edited my last reply.

Frisbee did not connect for me.
I got it to connect by fiddling with it. I think running a scan in wavemon got it to connect.
Newer versions of frisbee seem to work properly.

Re: no network in fossapup64.

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 7:44 pm
by xenial

Just tried bionicpup64 booting from usb drive and exactly the same result..cannot see any interfaces,This laptop had windows vista on it before i wiped it and installed puppy.
at a loss here.

Re: no network in fossapup64.

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 9:46 pm
by williams2

I've had problems with FossaPup with frisbee not connecting.
I have not had problems with frisbee in BionicPup64.

There are 3 connection wizards. Depending on the hardware, one might work.
Of course, if you need a driver or firmware to be installed, it won't connect.

Re: no network in fossapup64.

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 11:20 pm
by xenial

okay xenialpup64 is now installed on the flashdrive and it connects perfectly with no issues.I must have a xenial only laptop lol.
bionic and fossa were a no go.
weird. :!:

Re: no network in fossapup64.

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 11:38 pm
by ozsouth

@xenial - usually this is either a firmware or driver issue. To test these, please run the following in a fossapup64/bionicpup64 terminal & post results:

dmesg | grep irmware


lspci -nn | grep etwork

(note - command starts with lowercase L).

Re: no network in fossapup64.

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 12:30 am
by mikewalsh

@ozsouth :-

Pounds to peanuts there's some Broadcom involvement here, Oz. Could be I'm wrong, but they're involved in so many network connection issues..... :roll:

I'm just wondering if it's owt to do with that "ifnames" stuff Ubuntu introduced from Bionic onwards. What d'you think? Bionic64 gave me no end of network issues here on this tower.....until you compiled that wireless driver for the weird wireless/Bluetooth combo chip this thing's saddled with..!

Ethernet still doesn't work here in Bionic64, but for the first time ever, I'm connecting a desktop PC via wireless. Takes some getting my head round, that does..... :o

Mike. ;)

Re: no network in fossapup64.

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 12:41 am
by bigpup

In Fossapup64 9.5 do the connection by using the network wizard.

This is a step by step setup program.
Because of this, it is easy to find where the problem is.

menu->Setup->Internet Connection Wizard->Wired or wireless LAN->Network Wizard

Network Wizard wireless connection steps.

1. Select Network Wizard
2. Select wlan0 (your network card may have a different description)
3. Select Wireless in the Configure wireless network box.
4. Select Scan and your ESSID (WIFI router) should come up.
5. Select your ESSID and OK
6. Give a name to your profile. It should already be what you selected in step 5.
7. Encryption. Most people use WPA/TKIP - select it or WPA2.
8. A box will open for you to write the WPA password. It is called a Shared Key. Enter the password. (router password needed to connect)
9. Leave the other boxes as they are. Rarely do these need adjustment.
9. Select Save
10. Select Use This Profile
11. A box will appear showing Puppy trying to connect
12. A box will come up “REPORT ON TEST 0f wlan0CONNECTION”
13. Select Auto DHCP in the Configure interface box and it will go through a handshake routine. and declare itself successful
14. Select done

Select to use this setup on reboot.
Select to use this as default.

If something does not work.
What step?
You do what?
You see what?

Also make sure your system's time zone setting is correct - if not, many website's certificates then act as if they are expired, and the webpage won't display.

Re: no network in fossapup64.

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 7:41 am
by xenial

Thank you sincerely for your extensive response.

It is upon reboot and the creation of a pupsave that an issue arises.I create the bootable flash drive and it reboots into a fully functioning desktop.

As for your setup well i fall at the second hurdle as the wlan is not even listed or seen by the system.Now i currently have xenialpup64 on the flashdrive partition and it works as intended which makes me think it is something "specific" to xenialpup as the 32bit xenial installed on my main internal drive runs fine.

It is a broadcom wireless adaptor.

Re: no network in fossapup64.

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 7:48 am
by one
ozsouth wrote: Fri Aug 13, 2021 11:38 pm

@xenial - usually this is either a firmware or driver issue. To test these, please run the following in a fossapup64/bionicpup64 terminal & post results:

dmesg | grep irmware


lspci -nn | grep etwork

(note - command starts with lowercase L).

Do it!


Re: no network in fossapup64.

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 8:27 am
by bigpup

you did say that before making a save Fossapup could connect to the WIFI.
After booting using the save it does not.

Wat is the format of the partition the save is stored on?
Is it a save file or folder?
If save file, what size?

Re: no network in fossapup64.

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 9:01 am
by xenial

Hello bigpup,
Just an update,
I followed your instructions to the letter and upon reboot of fossa i was able to connect but i have to do it manually which is not such an issue but at least the saved profile was found and i could connect.

many thanks. :thumbup:

Re: no network in fossapup64.

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 10:33 am
by bigpup

Now you know why there are 3 different connection wizards in most Puppy versions.

Never did get just one to work for every possible hardware.
But out of the 3 wizards.
As long as needed drivers and firmware is there.
Usually one would work.

It is a computer!
Who really knows why they do what they do, sometimes :o :roll: :twisted: :evil: :thumbdown:

Re: no network in fossapup64.

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 3:02 pm
by rerwin


I am glad to hear that you can get your connection using the network wizard.

I have created a new version of Simple Network Setup (SNS 3.1) that I would very much appreciate your trying, so that I might fix it if it fails to reconnect at startup. It is more tolerant of slow-to-start network cards.

It is available here:

If you are willing, thank you.


Re: no network in fossapup64.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 12:26 am
by wnewbury

Mine did the same. Connected successfully on installation, then it wouldn't connect after the save. Saved as a folder, 64 G. I will try your suggestions.

Re: no network in fossapup64.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 2:10 am
by rerwin

Thank for reporting your reboot problem.

As you can see, no one else responded to my suggestion. I look forward to hearing of your experience with the latest SNS.
