How make new distro puppy mixed mixed with android?
Hm, I am reading actually the title of this thread How make new distro puppy mixed pulipuppy with easypuppy ?...
A dream for me if it would possible to make it with one Puppy and Android (I don't really need all Android, but only start apk's in Puppy would be enough if after starting the screen operations are available analog in the real Android system).
I am adept from the 360 degree photography and about all those systems need app's available only in android not only to action the camera (a little number of camera offers also some telecommand box, so Kodak or Garmin) but also to view dia shows from the pictures and to modify then (shrink / crop / erase or color detail having legally to be hidden like names on doors / letter box, or number of cars etc. or to make some persons not recognisable.