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how to prevent system using automatically new fonts installed?
Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 3:05 pm
by helloworld
I installed new font ,built font cache,and system automatically used the new font.But i want to keep using the previous font, i know how to manually change it back,i just want to know how to stop this system behavior after i install a new font
Re: how to prevent system using automatically new fonts installed?
Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 5:38 pm
by bigpup
What is the name of the new font?
Exactly how are you installing them?
What font was the system previously using?
Re: how to prevent system using automatically new fonts installed?
Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 4:39 am
by helloworld
bigpup wrote: Fri Aug 06, 2021 5:38 pm
What is the name of the new font?
Exactly how are you installing them?
What font was the system previously using?
My previous fonts are DejaVu Sans and WenQuanYi Micro Hei for both latin and non-latin languages
I just downlaoded the font ,copied it to /usr/share/fonts,made a dir for it.
Next,I did `mkfontscale;mkfontdir;fc-cache -fv`
Here is the link for the new font,
Re: how to prevent system using automatically new fonts installed?
Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 9:43 pm
by bigpup
This is in Fossapup64 9.5
May also work for other Puppy versions or be similar.
That is not the best way to install a new font.
Use the programs in menu->Desktop->JWMDesk Manager->Desktop tab
Installing a new font:
Screen Font->Install Fonts tab
Read the info on that tab window.
Your example fonts:
Download the new font .ttf file to location you can find.
In the Screen Font->Install Fonts tab is the input slot for a new font file.
Put the new font file in this input slot.
Select the install font(s) button.
This new font is now in the list of available fonts to use.
To change a font being used in general by everything.
GTK Theme->Widget tab
Default font selection slot is a clickable selection list.
Left click on it.
Choose a font to use and set style and size. Click OK.
Select apply button.
That gets font changed for general things.
Other specific fonts, kind of depends on what program and where in the program.
Make sure you update the save file/folder, so change sticks between boots.