Agentless Security Platform Hunts for Hackers Automatically, Intrusion Detection and Response for PuppyLinux ?

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Re: Agentless Security Platform Hunts for Hackers Automatically, Intrusion Detection and Response for PuppyLinux ?

Post by mikeslr »

"Sandfly is an automated security investigator that hunts for compromised Linux systems without having to install agents on your endpoints."

Magic? In the real world information is transmitted from one place to another. If monitoring of the information being received and sent by your computer isn't being done by your computer, then that monitoring is being done on some other computer with the information received by or sent from your computer being mirrored to that other computer.
Or does 'Hunt' mean a byte-wise examination of every file on your computer?
"5 Hosts free". So is this 50% discount coupon -- all you have to do is give me your name, date of birth and Social Security Number. :roll:
Who is doing the hunting/monitoring? Do you trust them? Do you have any reason to trust them?

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Re: Agentless Security Platform Hunts for Hackers Automatically, Intrusion Detection and Response for PuppyLinux ?

Post by mikewalsh »

@puppytrue :-

I think you've got hold of the wrong end of the stick here, y'know.

Invariably, where "endpoints", "deployment" & concepts like "threat remediation" are elements of the conversation you just know, straight away, that an enterprise network of some kind is being discussed. So; unless you're running your own company, spread out over several different locations, with a need for secure SSH/VPN access, etc, you're rather wasting your time with this, old son.....especially given that it's obvious this is monitored, 24/7, by a 'remote' security team somewhere in the cloud, who then pass said info back to you (in this instance, you're presumed to be a SysAdmin looking after a large organisation's computer network).

This is going to be about as much use to your average Linux home user as a chocolate teapot. It's not intended for individuals.

Mike. ;)

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