menu entry to run save update

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menu entry to run save update

Post by bigpup »

This is only for running in pupmode 13, where the save does not automatically update (pupmode 12), as things change.

I made this .desktop file to run the same thing the desktop save icon does.

Download it and place it in /usr/share/Applications

Save the change.

Run fixmenus, in a terminal, to get it showing in the menu.
May need to just do a save and a reboot, to get it showing.

It will be in menu->System

Rename file, removing .gz from end.
Had to add .gz to name, so it would attach.

update save.desktop.gz
(215 Bytes) Downloaded 55 times

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Re: menu entry to run save update

Post by mikewalsh »

Just as an aside, bearing in mind the comment I made in the other thread about any desktop icon being "re-assignable" to the main Menu, taersh produced a .pet last year that does the exact opposite.

Traditionally, if we want to place an icon on the desktop, we normally go into /usr/share/applications, locate the .desktop file we want, then drag it onto the desktop to use as a launcher. Rainer's utility simplifies this. When installed, you'll find its entry at the very top of the Desktop section, so, literally the very first thing you encounter. You click on it; the Menu disappears for a moment, then re-appears; now select the item you want a desktop launcher for. A small window pops-up, and asks if you want a desktop icon, or a tray icon. Select the one you want, click on it, and.....moments later, there it is.

Just another way of making Puppy a bit more 'noob'-friendly! I use this all the time, now; speeds up the process of customising my Pups no end.


Mike. :)

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